Dr. Patrick Campaign Talks Mobile Optometry, Gaming, Virtual Reality And Smart Glasses

Benjamin Briggs: Is there a personal website where people can log on and look at, and view in depth any of your history?

Patrick Campaign: I do have a private website. It’s actually closed for reconstruction until the end of April of 2016. But it’s my consultation business on Smart glasses and video gaming called Oculogenesis.com. It is the medical term talking about how an eye forms when the person is first being developed. So, that’s a good way to explain technology and vision for the future.

Benjamin Briggs: So is there anything, anything else that you would like to tell the audience, any parting important information that you would like someone to know about, Dr. Campaign.

Patrick Campaign: Well, uh, if you are a Smart glasses tech fanatic just like me, I hope that you take the opportunity to not only look at reviews, but look at quality reviews as well.

These are not small purchases, and a lot of times you’re not even going to learn about what the real use of the equipment is until you actually have your hands on it. That’s why I have my consultation work. I’m the one who has to either invest in these purchases or waste a lot of money on either broken equipment or fantastic stuff. And that’s what I want to try to talk about; and I’ll try to keep that up on the website as well as in presentations here in town.

Benjamin Briggs: OK. Well, Dr. Campaign, it has been a pleasure having you in the studio today and we will be having another interview real soon. Thank you very much sir.

Patrick Campaign: Fantastic. Thanks so much Mr. Briggs.

To know more about this medical professional contact:

Patrick Campaign, OD
Business Manager
Frontier Eye Care, LLC
P: 907-306-3182
F: 855-760-9968

or goto:




Benjamin Briggs

Benjamin Briggs is the owner and COO of Gold Grizzly Publications, Independent Alaskan Publishing house. Mr. Briggs has written 5 novels and is an Amazon bestselling author and contributes to major media news outlets.