Earlene Greene CEO Faith Walk Enterprises

Welcome to Business Innovators Magazine…Please introduce yourself and a brief thumbnail sketch of your background.


EG: My name is Earlene Greene, President of Faith Walk Enterprises.  I am a Community Empowerment Leader, Published Author of “Do You Want 2B Made Well?” and Host of “Wake Up Everybody” talk show.  I worked in the consulting business for a computer technology firm for 12 years.  My last position there was that of a Business Analyst in the Corporate Banking Industry.  I started my own business in 1999 after I was “transitioned” out of that company.  During this time, many companies were downsizing, and people were losing their jobs in record numbers. It was at this time that I decided to position myself so that others would no longer control my destiny, and I also vowed to empower others to do likewise.  I began by creating a small business, financial literacy, and self-improvement programs and partnered with faith and community-based organizations to deliver them to displaced homemakers, women, men, and youth.  I became a voice in the community, a sought-after training facilitator and a passionate motivational speaker, which led me to help over 500 hundred individuals start and run their own business.  I also hosted over a dozen empowerment conferences, seminars, roundtable and forum discussions, counseled thousands on how to get out of debt and implement money management principles, consulted with over 40 small businesses to provide business solutions, marketing strategies and new team-centered approaches to growth.  Faith Walk Enterprises is committed to creating new and innovative ways to promote economic and social revitalization, particularly through the church.

BI: What would you say is the area in business that you are most passionate about and why?

EG: I am most passionate about financial money management and commitment.  Money management is the key to the success of any business owner.  Having a keen understanding of your relationship with money: functional or dysfunctional, how to use it, leverage it, save, invest and spend it should be an important goal for any business owner.  Failure to implement effective money management principals can be a catalyst for failure

Commitment is another area that I am most passionate about.  I believe that when you finally take the leap to start your own business, you need to be in it to win it.  I am grateful to be still in business for myself after 18 years.  It hasn’t been without a lot of challenges and inconsistencies, but for me, it’s worth the fulfillment I get when I think about all the good that I’ve been able to accomplish on behalf of others.  I realize that intrinsic rewards (autonomous, competence, satisfaction, etc.) are more valuable to me than extrinsic rewards (recognition, money, status, power, etc.), which are consistent with my values.

BI: How are you different than your competitors?

EG: I am a visionary, committed to empowering others, not because of what I can possibly gain, but for what I can give.  I honestly want to help others succeed and live life in a brand new way—spiritually, emotionally, financially and mentally.  All of my programs are designed with this end goal in mind.  Furthermore, I keep my hands on the pulse of the community to know what the needs are and explore ways to meet those needs. I use my creativity to develop the kind of programs that will reach, teach and empower others while capitalizing on faith and community partnerships to enhance capacity building.

BI: Please tell me about any recent business accomplishments that you are most proud of and why?

EG: One of my recent accomplishments was becoming a published author of “Do You Want 2B Made Well?”, A guide to overcoming financial bondage.  I am elated about this accomplishment because, despite my apprehension and level of discomfort, I found the courage to develop my voice, speak my truth, share my wisdom and deliver it all in a practical way to help others grow.  Another accomplishment was the creation and success of “Wake Up Everybody”.  We gained over 600 listeners in 6 months using social media management and effective marketing strategies.  Our listenership is still strong after two years.  The reason why I’m excited about this accomplishment is because once again, as a novice, I stepped out of my comfort zone to become host and producer of the show.  Most importantly, we are using our voices and experiences to inspire churches to establish social ministries to address social issues, promote awareness, support and resources to aid in the process of building more vibrant communities.   The talk show is an empowerment tool that connects people around the world, enabling us all to benefit from one another.  I’m reminded that we stand on the shoulders of others.

BI: What Leadership qualities in Leaders do you most admire and why?

EG: Ethics: As a small business owner, one may find him/herself dealing with an economic downturn that will affect your business and personal life.  This might motivate some to resort to compromising their principles.  But it’s important to remember during these times that the decisions you make have consequences and will affect you, your family and the people you work with and are associated with. My advice is to respect yourself and customers/clients at all times and not be weary in well-doing, for, in due time, you will reap again, if we faint not.  Honesty is indeed the best policy. 


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