Earlene Greene CEO Faith Walk Enterprises

Positive Mental Attitude: Have faith and remain upbeat and positive no matter what it looks like.  If you are feeling down, then just look up.  The people around you, including employees and customers, have to feed off of your energy.  Your energy should be a reflection of hope and victory.  Believe you are an overcomer, and that’s who you will be.

Inspiration:  As the leader in your business, you need to be able to articulate your vision and get others on board with you.  There are no lone rangers in successful businesses.  You need others who will come along for the value of what it brings, not only to their lives but the lives of others.   Being able to inspire others to invest in your vision and the future of your business is paramount to your success.

BI: What has been a key element of your success?

EG: Faith has been a key element of my success.  My faith compels me to live my truth by being true to who I am and the work that I am called to do.  As a business whose focus is on ministry, the motivation is different than other businesses.  While well-intentioned and sincere, those of us whose ministry is also our business have an ongoing challenge.  We are often times faced with some uncomfortable questions when it comes to the business of ministry.  For instance, when does it stop being a ministry and become a business?  How much time should we spend on mission projects that cost money and pay nothing, versus engagements that pay the bills? Unlike other businesses, my bottom line is not the almighty dollar, but the gift of loving and serving. My faith enables me to strike a balance between the two. I guess I must be doing something right at this point since I’m still in business for myself.

BI: What are some of the business projects that you are currently working on that you are excited about and why?

EG: One business project that I am currently working on is creating a learning app that will address the need for people to get the kind of hands-on training and mentoring that will help take them to the next level in their business and ministry. I’m excited about this because it has the potential to really make an impact on the lives of those who are twisting in the wind unable to get clear direction and support to move forward to achieve their dreams and fulfill their passion. 

I am also working on developing a unique radio network to promote the great work being done by faith and community-based organizations.

BI: What are 1 or 2 things you would like to say to a prospective client who stumbles across this interview?

EG: At the core, I am an empowerment leader and visionary dedicated to effecting positive change in the lives of others by working in the interest and for the empowerment of communities.  I am determined to trail blaze new paths on the road to faith, community, personal and financial empowerment and small business development. 

BI: To wrap this up, what are you most excited about in the upcoming months in your business?

EG: In the upcoming months, I am most excited about the continued growth and success of our radio show, Wake Up Everybody.  I believe that there is so much more we can do to have a greater impact.  I plan for it to be a stepping stone for a community empowerment movement that will wake people up to what more they can do to improve their lives and create vibrant, sustainable communities.  Also, I plan to begin the preparation process for my second book.

For more information: http://www.faithwalkent.com







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