Experts In Natural Pet Care And Pet Lovers From The Pacific Northwest Will Meet In Seattle, Washington This Summer For The First-Ever, Day-Long Expo For Dog And Cat Owners

Experts In Natural Pet Care And Pet Lovers From The Pacific Northwest Will Meet In Seattle, Washington This Summer For The First-Ever, Day-Long Expo For Dog And Cat Owners
Pet owners and likeminded businesses will come together in Seattle for the very first natural pet expo on August 1st, 2020. Kimberly Gauthier and Katrina Ondracek, founders of the expo, say, “Events like Seattle Natural Pet Expo (SNPE) help to solidify and strengthen the pet lover community while connecting customers with brands they love and experts they trust.”

Dogs and cats are family members and pet parents are asking more questions and taking an active role in their pets’ diet and health. Katrina and Kimberly traveled to several pet events in 2018 and 2019 and strived to create something unique in Seattle. Their vision is a day of learning, sharing, laughter, and networking. SNPE will bring together pet parents, industry leaders, experts, and local pet businesses, making this an excellent opportunity for people to meet one on one with well-known pet brands. Sponsors will solidify their company’s leadership in the field while maximizing their exposure to their ideal clients – pet parents who want to use natural means to care for their furry family members.

Keep the Tail Wagging is the personal blog of Kimberly Gauthier about raw feeding. Launched in December 2011, the blog has grown into a leading resource for pet parents who are interested in raising their dogs naturally. Katrina discovered Kimberly’s blog as she was looking for resources on feeding a puppy a raw food diet. Their initial meeting morphed into a fast friendship as these ladies discovered that they had more in common than dogs, cats, and raw feeding. Today, Kimberly continues to blog about her five dogs and one cat, comparing notes with her friend, Katrina, who is raising two Great Danes and two Bengal cats.

Attendees will walk away with a smile on their face and the confidence that they have support from the local and online pet lover community. For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please visit


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