The organization works with youth in kindergarten through 12th grade via its curriculum focused on positive behavior reinforcement and self-confidence. The program has been operated in some of the country’s largest school districts. Meanwhile, the My Life My Power Institute (MLMPI) collaborates with academic partners on long-term programs to improve emotional intelligence and achievement for students; and with corporate partners to help transform workplace cultures. Both programs are based on My Life My Power’s trademarked Black Belt Transformational Mentorship Training.
Puder says My Life My Power’s training programs are science- and evidence-based and have been shown to decrease aggression and victimization and increase self-esteem and purpose, as proven through pre- and post-training assessments.
During recent interviews on Business Innovators Radio Network and in Small Business Trendsetters magazine, Puder shared that he recently launched My Life My Brand, which provides business clients with the full spectrum of branding and marketing services – with a little something extra. The organization also gives kids at risk mentoring and internship opportunities with its creative team. His efforts to help people realize their power don’t stop there.
Puder is a sought-after keynote speaker who has trained individuals from the FBI, DEA, local law enforcement, parenting groups as well as C-level executives. Puder says he was “blessed to have also spent time with The Dalai Lama” and will be launching a partner school: MLMPI Preparatory Academy –
Youth Buddhist Society blessed by His Holiness The Dalai Lama.
“It’s hard to believe that a movement dedicated to teaching emotional intelligence and driving positive change in schools, workplaces and the world in general, came about because a boy who was bullied decided to take back his power,” said Puder. “And it’s a tremendous reward every time I see another child who was struggling do the same.”
For more information, go to www.mylifemypower.org or @mylifemypower on Instagram and Twitter and @mylifemypowerentertainment on Facebook.
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