Margo Lovett is the creator and host of Her Business Her Voice Her Conversation, a podcast streaming on Vercayradio.com & iHeartRadio. This show is driven by conversations with successful Reinvented women, thus a global resource for the baby boomer female, who will or has reinvented herself to become a speaker, author, and entrepreneur. Her Business Her Voice Her Reinvention, (published) October 2017, becoming an Amazon Best Seller (the first day), followed by the anthology, Women Inspiring Nations, released in January 2018. Margo has had conversations with many women who have reinvented themselves, big stars such as 2015 Olympic Bronze Medalist Leigh Jaynes, Princess Blanton producer of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, thought leader Dr. Taunya Lowe, and Founder and CEO of WomELLE Magazine, Naghilia Desravines.
Host Raven Blair Glover asked what type of guests Margo looked for on Her Business, Her Show, Her Conversation Podcast. Margo answered: “So many people say go for the biggest & brightest stars (and I do), but I’m always looking for those that will tell their story honestly. I ask are women really going to be able to see themselves in that guest and will this guest cause the listener to stretch for their goal? Are they going to be able to come away with instruction, inspiration, and motivation after they hear that episode? And are they going to be able to see themselves on the success side of that guest? So my guests don’t necessarily have to be Raven Blair Glover! You can be a woman that has gone through the woods, past the bears, the howling owls at night & have really moved the needle to make a change for women and let them see themselves in you. At the top of 2019, I decided to open the show to conversations with men such as former Congressman Walter Tucker III because the stories of such men carry a heavy reinvention shift for the women in their lives.“
When the question arose about why it is so important that more women become podcasters, Margo shared: “It is very important that we step up & become podcasters because we as women have so much information that is in us and flowing through us. So many people don’t get the information that they really need & I know that women put out information in a way that men just don’t. We have information that is going to change & is changing the world. As a podcaster I am a leader and positioned to help boomer women reinvent themselves – get them started and held accountable until they have their book in their hands, their business is alive.”
At the end of 26 years of employment, Margo decided to follow her passionate hobby of terrestrial & internet radio. With the help of a coach, the podcast has reached over a million downloads and streams. WomELLE Magazine, The Huffington Post, and Vercay Magazine have featured Margo, as well as gracing the cover of Vercay Magazine. Margo is a contributor to the women’s leadership magazine WomELLE each month. Margo teaches Blueprint for Building Your Podcast, striving to usher more women into podcasting. To empower women with information (resources), inspiration & motivation so they can #Reinvent themselves is Margo’s mission.
Margo concluded the interview by sharing: “Begin your reinvention process and do not stop until you own your success.”
To listen to the full interview on Amazing Women and Men Of Power – Raven International TV Network, click here or visit https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/amazing-women-and-men-of-power/id1441172752?i=1000436968344.
To learn more about Margo Lovett, please visit http://herbusinesshervoice.com/ or listen to her podcast Her Business Her Voice Her Conversation on www.Vercayradio.com.