From Baseball Cards to Tax Returns: The Journey of San Antonio CPA Marco Flores

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Meet Marco Flores: A Certified Public Accountant Helping Businesses Thrive in San Antonio

Marco Flores is a certified public accountant and founder of MFCPA, a firm that provides accounting and tax services to a diverse range of clients in and around San Antonio. In this interview, Marco shares his journey to becoming a CPA, his advice for small business owners, and his passion for helping his clients succeed.

Q: How did you get interested in accounting, and what led you to become a CPA?
A: Looking back on my childhood, I was always interested in numbers and statistics. I used to collect baseball cards and read the stats on the back, which sparked my interest in analyzing numbers and making sense of data. When I went to college, I initially pursued a degree in finance, but I found that accounting was a better fit for me. I enjoyed the problem-solving aspect of accounting, and how it involved not just crunching numbers, but also understanding the bigger picture of a client’s financial situation. I decided to pursue my CPA license to further my knowledge and expertise in the field.

Q: What types of businesses do you work with, and what services do you offer them?
A: At MFCPA, we work with a wide range of businesses, from small mom-and-pop shops to larger corporations. We offer a variety of services, including tax preparation and planning, bookkeeping, financial statement preparation, and consulting. Our goal is to provide personalized, high-quality services to help our clients achieve their financial goals and make informed business decisions.

Q: In your experience working with small businesses, what are some of the most common financial challenges they face?
A: One of the biggest challenges I see among small business owners is not having a clear understanding of their financials. Many business owners are so focused on running their day-to-day operations that they don’t have time to step back and evaluate their financial situation. This can lead to issues with cash flow, budgeting, and forecasting, which can ultimately impact the long-term success of the business. Another challenge is staying compliant with tax laws and regulations, which can be overwhelming for business owners who may not have a background in accounting.

Q: What advice do you have for small business owners who are struggling with managing their financials?
A: My biggest piece of advice is to seek out professional help. It’s important to work with a CPA or other financial advisor who can help you understand your financials and develop a plan for managing your cash flow and budget. Additionally, it’s important to have a solid understanding of your business’s financials yourself. Make sure you’re regularly reviewing your income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements, and don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re unsure about something. Finally, be proactive about staying compliant with tax laws and regulations. Don’t wait until tax season to start thinking about your taxes – work with a CPA to develop a tax plan that will help you minimize your tax liability throughout the year.

Q: What are some of the most rewarding aspects of your work as a CPA?
A: One of the most rewarding aspects of my work is seeing my clients succeed. I love being able to help businesses grow and thrive by providing them with the financial tools and knowledge they need to make informed decisions. It’s also very satisfying to be able to help clients navigate complex tax laws and regulations and save money on their taxes. Finally, I enjoy the problem-solving aspect of my job. Every client’s financial situation is unique, and I love being able to analyze their data and come up with creative solutions to help them achieve their goals.

Q: What are some of the biggest misconceptions people have about accounting and working with a CPA?
A: One of the biggest misconceptions people have is that accounting is boring or dry. In reality, accounting is a dynamic and constantly evolving field. There are always new technologies, regulations, and best practices to learn about, which keeps things interesting. Additionally, some people assume that working with a CPA is expensive or only for large businesses. In reality, there are CPAs who specialize in working with small businesses and offer affordable, personalized services that can help businesses of all sizes.

Q: What are your goals for the future of MFCPA, and how do you see your role as a CPA evolving in the coming years?
A: My goals for the future of MFCPA are to continue to grow and expand our services to better serve our clients. I want to be able to offer more specialized consulting services and help businesses in even more industries achieve their financial goals. In terms of my role as a CPA, I see accounting becoming more and more technology-driven in the coming years. I’m excited to explore new tools and technologies that can help me better serve my clients and streamline my processes. Additionally, I think there will be more emphasis on providing clients with real-time financial data and insights, which will enable them to make more informed business decisions.

Marco Salinas

Marco Salinas is a best-selling author and host of the Business Innovators Radio Podcast. He is also a contributing editor for Business Innovators Magazine, covering influencers, innovators, and trendsetters in business, health, finance, and personal development. Marco's work showcases his expertise in these areas and his dedication to highlighting the achievements of others.