Rand feels that entrepreneurs would benefit from support as they create and run their business and try to balance their personal, family and business lives. She is passionate about helping people succeed at home, in their family and in their business and reaching their highest potential. She created the podcast to provide a way for her to reach more people with the valuable insights that she has gained working as a transformative coach, inspirational speaker and fellow entrepreneur who has been in the trenches and learned many lessons “the hard way.” She hopes to help and support others as they strive to make their dreams come true.
To learn more about Gloria Grace Rand and her podcast, “Live. Love. Engage.” visit: http://www.youtube.com/gloriarandvideo.
About Gloria Grace Rand
Gloria Grace Rand is a former writer/producer for the PBS-TV program, “Nightly Business Report,” turned SEO copywriter, inspirational speaker and transformative coach.
To learn more about Gloria Rand, please visit: https://gloriarand.com. Or, follow her on:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gloriagracerand,
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/gloriagracerand