According to writer Joseph Epstein, “81 percent of Americans feel that they have a book in them — and should write it.” That’s approximately 200 million people who aspire to authorship. Unfortunately, less than 1% of people actually get around to it.
Traditionally, there are more people with PhD’s than there are published authors, which means that being an author is still a highly valuable accomplishment, especially for business people.
The reason becoming a published author is still valuable in society is because of the perceived obstacles that stand in the way of the vast majority of people who don’t think becoming an author is attainable for them. This includes business owners and professionals who think there is just no time to write a book.
Time is one of the main reasons aspiring authors never complete their desires of becoming an author. But, there are many others.
Howe shares that there are many misconceptions about the book writing process. “Most people think they have to write, “The Ultimate Guide To…” book, which would be about 300-400 pages in length. The task seems too daunting to them to ever get started. We have refined the process of writing a powerful business book in 60 minutes or less, so it is attainable for all business professionals”
In business, the most useful books are short and concise and get straight to the point. They answer the questions that are on the prospect’s mind and give valuable, actionable advice.
This is exactly the style of book Mr. Howe and Highland Media Agency offer for their clients.
“The process is simple”, Howe proclaims, “Conversations are at the heart of business success. Business owners and professionals have conversations every day, likely answering the same questions over and over for different clients. We highlight those frequently asked questions and have a recorded conversation where we can capture the essence of what every customer, client, or patient wants to know about that particular subject and we convert it into a very useful and valuable marketing tool.”
The Ask The Expert books are small and affordable and make a perfect gift to hand out at trade shows, networking events, speaking engagements and one on one meetings. They are the Ultimate Business Card and they never get thrown away as they have a high perceived value.
Howe says that books are a great foot in the door to attract the attention of the media. Podcast and radio hosts are always looking for guests and it is easy for them to interview an author. The same goes for television. Booking agents look for people who wrote the book on a particular subject when they are looking for an expert guest for a soundbite.
This new service from Highland Media Agency is perfect for business professionals in the legal, finance, real estate, home services, health and wellness industries as well as for coaches and consultants to help share their message.
As a long time marketing executive, Howe knows that pre-framing a potential client is one of the most important steps in the sales process and the Ask The Expert Lead Magnet book is ideal at positioning the author as an expert in their field.
To find out more about Neil Howe and the Ask The Expert book process, visit: https://theauthorityarchitect.com/ask-the-expert-book