But quite the opposite has proven true. People are seeking this film out for the powerful strategies and suggestions it is sharing in relation to thought and the ability to think positive during the pandemic. One of the most interesting features in the film is how it presents the outcomes of fear. “Fear is perhaps the most damaging aspect of the pandemic,” Stated Douglas Vermeeren, producer and director of the film, “Not to diminish the health concerns associated with the virus, but the mental health and feelings created by the fear may be just as dangerous.”
With the relevant nature of the film its no surprise that the online release of the film has been well received. Within the first 24 hours the film has had thousands of downloads. Compared to other films in this narrow genre of law of attraction and personal development HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS has risen to lead the industry as the most viewed launch or release in the history of personal development cinema.
Most are expecting the movement and the message of HOW THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS to continue to expand around the globe just like the virus. And just like the virus it is proving to change the lives of everyone it infects.
The film features. Bob Proctor, Denis Waitley, Joe Vitale, John Demartini, John Assaraf, Marie Diamond, Douglas Vermeeren, Travis Fox, Meagan Fettes, Marina Bruni.
You can watch the film at www.HowThoughtsBecomeThings.com
For more information contact: Rachel@douglasvermeeren.com