“The E-Com Marketplace Secrets Podcast” is featured on the Business Innovators Radio Network where listeners can find current and upcoming episodes
O’Neil continued, “I know where you’re coming from. I’ve been a retailer for nearly a decade and have worked hand-in-hand with product wholesalers for the past 4 years. But, more importantly to you, I’ve helped brands and resellers generate more than $375 MILLION worth of product sales on Amazon to date. My vetted, highly trained team and I serve as both turnkey store builders/operators, or as reliable (and even exclusive) done-for-you distributors. Our goal is simply to maximize sales while giving you complete control of your brand’s image, reputation, and distribution on the #1 largest online retailer in the U.S. Amazon is a virtually limitless marketplace. You’re just a few small “tweaks” away from unlocking its true potential for your brand to be #1 in your niche. We don’t just store and distribute your products for you – we’re on your side every step of the way.”
About Jason O’Neil
Jason O’Neil is the founder of E-Com Solutions, a solution geared towards connecting distribution for Brands and retailers through the Amazon.com marketplace. Jason is obsessed with helping brands and retailers be successful through a data driven distribution. Ultimately Jason’s long-term goal is to help connect distribution so Brands have more representation of their products, and retailers have access to more products to sell which creates a win/win for both parties.
To learn more, please visit: https://www.ecomsolutions.io/