Rodriguez states, “It became quite apparent early on in my traffic career that citizens receiving radar speeding tickets had no knowledge or understanding of how radar is used or how it works. In most jurisdictions, infraction traffic violators are not allowed to be represented in court by an attorney, and since most motorists have no prior court experience, they don’t know the rules of the court or what to expect.
This book was written to help motorists get a better understanding of the traffic court process, know what to expect when entering the courtroom, anticipate the ticket issuing officer’s testimony, and most importantly to KNOW WHAT TO ASK THE OFFICER during cross examination!”
Authors Publishing House specializes in publishing personal development and business books meant for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and professionals.
“John had many options on the table, so we are very excited that he decided to sign with us. John is the real deal and this book will, without a doubt, become the go-to guide for anyone who receives a speeding ticket,” said Nina Hershberger, Co-founder of Author’s Publishing House.
Rodriguez’s book will be available for purchase on Amazon.com and through other national book retailers beginning in August 2019.
For more information about John Rodriguez, visit https://www.howtobeataradarticket.com/about-the-author/