Joseph Land – A Renowned Elite, Success Mentor, Master Communicator & Strategist For Sales People & High Achievers

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In 1994, I sold that business and decided to get into the real estate business. And a partner and I started developing commercial real estate. And after four or five years, we had a portfolio of over $140 million. $140 million of shopping centers, office buildings, medical buildings, things of that nature. And we were on a roll, and I thought at that point I could never lose at anything in my life.

But, I did learn a huge lesson like so many other people in 2008 and 2009. There was a devastating downturn in the real estate market, and we saw our whole lives come before us. We were losing cash so quickly. It was frightening. And at the time, losses were so big that people were jumping out of buildings and doing all kinds of crazy things. And we just decided to fight. We decided to trust God and fight and try to fight our way out of it. And we did! You see, business is about structure and positioning…. I was, with GOD’s help, the Houdini in this area. Again, we had an attitude of never giving up. If you have that attitude, it’ll be amazing what you can accomplish. I tell you – life will not be problem-free, but it will be successful for you if you have that attitude of tenacity and never giving up.

I’ll never forget what my wife told me recently. As she came down the stairs, she looked at me and she said: I love your discipline. She said: I’ve been thinking about your discipline. And I said, oh, tell me what you mean by that. She said, well, I’ve watched you every day for years and you wake up early each morning and you spend your time praying for people and reading your devotionals. And then you go to train at the gym and try to keep yourself in some kind of physical shape and take care of yourself; then you get ready and go to work. When your day is finished, you come home with a positive attitude and spend time with your family. She says: I just love your discipline. She continued, you’re such an encouragement, a positive force; a lot of people can learn from your quiet example. And I thought to myself, that is my discipline and that’s what I’ve created over all these years. I’m going to be that positive force for the rest of my life. I’m going to be careful what I say – because words are powerful, and you can never take something back that you said. I remember someone telling me that you never have to take back a word that you did not say. Very important to learn this….you measure your words carefully. Be a positive influence – be the positive influence in the room when everybody’s negative.

I learned from that – to be a blessing to others and to teach others what I’ve had to learn the hard way. But when I got started in business….. I want to share this with you, and then I’m gonna, conclude….. I realized I was not in the transportation business at all. I realized that I was in the people business, and I realized that people drove trucks, people bought products, people did everything. Therefore,  I became determined to get really good at relating to people and being the best person, I could be so that I could be successful in my business. And I worked on myself because I knew I had to relate to people from all walks of life; from the CEO of a company I was doing business with down to the person who’s loading the truck on the dock. And that’s what I did.” Remember, a Dream with tenacity and a positive attitude will carry you a long way.”

Today, Joseph Land is recognized as an Elite Entrepreneur, Business Strategist, Global Leader, Speaker, and Author. Mr. Land speaks around the world and is a leading authority in helping energize his audiences to meet the challenges of the world around them. He skillfully weaves his amazing life story of baseball and business into the fabric of daily lives. He motivates his audience to believe, achieve and make an impact on the world. He has spent decades working with individual entrepreneurs to major companies to help them maximize sales, productivity and achieve overall success.

Mr. Land has a passion to help Entrepreneurs who are looking for the “edge” to scale their businesses. In addition, he mentors personally selected entrepreneurs weekly to help them achieve their goals both personally and professionally. He has more than thirty-five years of experience as an entrepreneur and has built two large companies from startups.

Joseph Land is the Founder and Chairman of JL Capital Group, LLC, a company whose core investments include Financial Services, Transportation, Real Estate, and other businesses. JL Capital Group also provides Funding and Liquidity for Investors and Entrepreneurs who are looking to grow their businesses.

Mr. Land states: “As a kid, my dream was to play professional baseball. The Los Angeles Dodgers drafted me and I thought my dream would be fulfilled. However, a torn rotator cuff ended that dream, and I knew I had to get another dream pretty quickly.”

Beginning his career in transportation, Mr. Land formed the Joseph Land Group, Inc. He fondly recalls,” I had a dream and no money …. over the ensuing 25 years we were fortunate to create a company which grew from a humble beginning to more than $179 million in annual sales”.

Tom Chesser

Tom Chesser is the owner of Rise Up Media and Marketing. He has a featured show, Rise Up Radio, an online broadcasting podcast.
He is a credited contributing writer for Small Business Trendsetters, Business Innovators Magazine, and host for Business Innovators Radio. He has his own Authority Agency in San Antonio, Texas, serving all of Texas & beyond. Tom is a Top-Performing Professional in the Media and Marketing industry with over 30 years of experience.