The book was written for everyone who knows there’s more to life than they have experienced but are reluctant to reach beyond what they know. It is for anyone who has befriended fear more than they have befriended ability. And lastly, this book is to all who are ready to aim high and rocket into the unknown. Rockets need guidance, and Tom hopes you find it in this book.
In response to the book hitting #1, Tom said, “Hitting the Amazon.com Best Sellers Lists is something we are excited and proud to have achieved. It is important that people become aware of that there are options and they have choice other than living life with uncertainty and doubt.”
Tom Wendt simply loves to help people “play more of the music that is within them.” In his role as DreamBuilder Coach, he has helped scores of people move from procrastination to action, from self-doubt to sound decisions, and from fear to faith-in-action.
After a long and distinguished career at a large electric utility, at which he worked his way up from meter reader to regional dispatch superintendent, Tom left to pursue his dream of ministry.
Ordained in 2008, Tom grew a congregation of 30 to over 100, which ultimately purchased their own facility after leading them in a successful capital campaign. He says, “Although I was the spiritual leader, it took the entire congregation to make the move happen. It was heart-warming to watch congregants dream and work cooperatively.”
He exited active ministry in 2016 and now devotes his time to inspirational speaking and life-coaching. His seminars, dealing with subjects such as stress, procrastination, decision-making, time management, building a better world, and more, consistently receive high praise as attendees make positive changes to their lives based on the tools for personal-growth and life-enrichment Tom provides.
Tom’s first book, Live It – Really Live It! is available at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NKWR9X7
For more information go to TheNextStepfor.me.