Marcia Meredith Was Nominated For The 2022 Small Business Person Of The Year Award In The Great State Of Texas, Presented By The U.S. Small Business Administration

Marcia stated, “I realized some of these clients are trophy clients; they have all the attributes that I could hope for thus assisting them get to the next level financially, especially with what I know how to do, so I implemented a client retention program that would absolutely take my chosen clients to a million-dollar status. Creating a new division in my wealth management portfolio for these businesses to grow and go into generational wealth, they jumped at the opportunity doubtless. And I agree they all have become students as I find myself spending time teaching the hierarchy of wealth literacy, not just financial literacy, but wealth. Now, I have re-evaluated, adapted, and adjusted to what I believe is part of purpose while gaining priceless knowledge pre-Covid and the how-to I can act as a midwife to a deserving few while they are giving birth to their brainchild. Last night, Showtime premiered Billions Season 6 Episode 1, Michael Prince implemented the exact method I utilize, let the potential clients prove their worth, deserve our help, it’s the basic 3 c’s in lending – collateral, capacity, and character. And of the three which means the most, character. He didn’t clear Axe Capital books for collateral and capacity, they were all billionaires, he cleared the portfolio for character, Bravo! First time I have ever applauded watching television. His speech was amazing!! Although my path has been slightly modified, I am ok with it, we adapt.”

This trend of SBA applicant qualification and client retention has continued to this day, bringing her to this amazing recognition nearly 24 months later. Many nominations were submitted to the SBA to nominate Marcia. However, the SBA notified Marcia before the nomination deadline to stop her network from campaigning for this honor. It was understood that many nominations were submitted for her liking. And while this chapter is nearing its close, Marcia has prepared – a few projects are underway as she is also ready to dive full swing ahead.

For more information, contact Ros DiMere Inc at 832-412-2140 or visit


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