Mark: Is it something we can download at this time, or are you still getting the finishing touches put
Melina: It’s still getting the finishing touches put on.
Mark: Great, okay. This is going to be very exciting.
Melina: What I want to see happen with it is I want people from New Jersey to California, even people
in China, I want everybody to be able to exchange business cards throughout the country with the
press of a button. I want people to connect with people in other states, and I really think as the
economy … If you’re looking at the economy point, it’s really going to connect businesses all the way
around. There’s no reason why a business in Boston can’t do business with a company here in
Arizona, and from Washington to Florida. I really think it’s going to open that idea and that
possibility for people to really work globally. That really hasn’t happened effectively, and it hasn’t
happened at the speed of light. It really could.
Mark: It’s becoming such a small world.
Melina: Right. Yeah, it is.
Mark: Maybe to wrap this up. What’s maybe the one thing that someone must consider when they
decide to start networking?
Melina: Focus on branding you as an individual. When you walk into a room, how do you want people
to perceive you? Do you want to be that serious person or do you want to be energetic, and happy,
and lively? The more open you are as a person, the more you’re going to connect with people. The
more you’re very like you think your business is the best business, you know, you’re not going to
really connect with a lot of people. I think people need to walk into a room and really understand
who they are, who they want to connect with, and what is the best approach? You can’t walk into a
room and think you have it down in one second. It takes a lot of planning, it takes a lot of … You
really have to incorporate who you are and how you want people to perceive you.
Mark: Well, that sounds great. I sure appreciate you joining me today and look forward to
Networking 360 becoming available for all of us so we can keep growing and increasing our
Melina: Thank you so much, Dr. Mark. It was great talking with you tonight, and I really am looking
forward to watching this and getting everyone involved. Thank you so much for taking your time up
Mark: You’re very welcome. Thanks again.
Melina: Thank you.