Merrit Strunk discusses topics including:
- Certain investment vehicles that used to be thought of as having good long-term returns may have changed.
- Medicare does not cover Long Term Care costs
- Having One Big Dollar figure for retirement is a misconception – we also recommend having a goal to generate tax-free income
- The “Set it and forget it” asset allocation in a retirement portfolio is potentially a mistake.
Listen to the interview on the Business Innovators Radio Network: https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/interview-with-merrit-strunk-founder-of-momentum-financial-insurance-services-discussing-challenges-in-planning-a-successful-retirement/
According to a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services study, 70% of people over 65 will need Long Term Care at some point in their lives. https://aspe.hhs.gov/reports/what-lifetime-risk-needing-receiving-long-term-services-supports-0
As people age, they often require more medical care and assistance with activities of daily living. Long-term care is a type of care that helps people with these needs. Unfortunately, Medicare does not cover the costs of long-term care.
A few options are available to help pay for long-term care costs. One option is to purchase a long-term care insurance policy. This can be expensive, but it may cover some or all of the costs associated with long-term care. Another option is to use Medicaid. Medicaid will pay for some long-term care costs, but coverage varies by state.
Merrit says: ” Long-term care can be expensive, but there are ways to help offset the costs. There are various options available, but each has its own set of rules and limitations. It is essential to understand the costs and how they will be covered. Additionally, the set it and forget it mentality with investing for retirement can be a mistake! To help ensure your successful retirement, you must verify your financial portfolio allocations and risk thresholds periodically and consistently before and after retirement.”
Merrit is the host of the Retirement (UN) Broken Podcast and Radio show as well as author of the book “Your Retirement (UN)Broken: Your Retirement May Be Broken…You Just Don’t Know It – Yet”, in which he offers inspirational advice on how to enjoy life to its fullest. This insightful book teaches four reasons why so many people retire broke and stressed and how to change the future of retirement. Buy the book on Amazon
About Merrit Strunk
Merrit is an Investment Advisor Representative and Certified Financial Fiduciary (CFF). As both a published author and Radio Show personality, he has been a business leader all his life and is the creator of the “Momentum LifeYield Process
.” He has also traveled around the world speaking on Business, Marketing, Financial and Personal Achievement. Merrit has always been passionate about financial planning. This is precisely why he started Momentum Financial and Insurance Services LLC. Merrit is proud to be a fiduciary and the role he plays in helping his clients work towards better financial outcomes.
Learn more: https://momentumfsgroup.com/
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