Shields’ course completion allows Kendal Homes to become a Lead Safe Certified Firm. Proper handling of any lead based paint or surface requires specific methods to contain the dust and debris so as not to contaminate people in the general vicinity of the work being performed. These practices must be carried out on any disturbed, interior area larger than 6 square feet or on an exterior with 20 or more square feet of disturbance.
Lead paint poisoning currently affects more than one million children. Lead impacts both children and adults with adverse health effects include including damage to the brain and nervous symptoms, slowed growth, high blood pressure, memory and concentration problems, nerve disorders and other medical issues. “We are committed to not only completing renovations that homeowners love, but doing it in such a manner that keeps their most precious belongings, their family, safe and healthy,” commented Bruce Shields, Director of Construction at Kendal Homes.
Due to the large numbers of affected homes, an estimated 65 million, the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule was created (epa.gov/lead). The rule affects paid renovators who work in pre-1978 housing and child-occupied facilities, including renovation contractors, landlords, maintenance workers in multi-family housing, painters and other specialty trades.
Under the rule, child-occupied facilities are defined as residential, public or commercial buildings where children under age six are present on a regular basis. The requirements apply to renovation, repair or painting activities. The rule generally does not apply to minor maintenance or repair activities where less than six square feet of lead-based paint is disturbed in a room or where less than 20 square feet of lead-based paint is disturbed on the exterior, but this does not include window replacement, demolition, or prohibited practices.
Headquartered in Annapolis, Maryland, Kendal Homes builds new homes throughout central Maryland and the eastern shore of Maryland. In addition, major renovation projects range from finished basements, to room additions, bath and kitchen remodels, decks as well as windows and siding replacement.
Location Info:
Kendal Homes
20 Ridgely Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21401