Power Presenter Expert Sharon Frame Launches Best-Selling Book in Maui, Hawaii

The Former CNN Anchor/Writer, Sharon Frame guest speaks at the Maui Business Women’s Network at Kono’s On The Green. Frame also will headline Maui’s 1st Symposium for Writers, Readers and Lovers of Writing. At the events, she is re-launching her book “LeadHERship” as an International Amazon Best-seller in three categories.   

Frame will share with the audience how she used her latest book to turn her passion for writing into a paycheck.  Her topic: “Making Dollars & Sense of Your Passion.” It was also featured in Maui Vision Magazine.   

How do you turn passion into a paycheck?  Frame went on to explain, “I do it through the power of the pen. Writing is one of my great passions. That comes in handy when you are a journalist, former CNN Anchor and best-selling author. Writing truly feeds the soul. But it does nothing to fill the stomach of a starving scribe.”

“I bridge the gap from passion to profit with practical application. And so can you. Passion becomes profitable for me when I use my books as a platform for paid speaking engagements.”

“Take “LeadHERship,” for instance. It’s my most recent book release. It hit Amazon’s Best-Seller List two months ago. I wrote and published it in 30-days; a daring self-imposed challenge to get the book done in time for a keynote speech. So, I deliberately tailored my passion to make a profit at an event.”

“As an empowerment speaker and personal development coach I teach women how to live the life they desire and deserve. That’s my passion. So it makes dollars and “sense” for me to speak about and write engaging stories that encourage, inspire, challenge women to be extraordinary.”

“That’s what “LeadHERship” does with provocative stories of trials and triumphs that speak to the human spirit within all of us.  Here are two excerpt teases from the book:

“Barbara Singer chased a paycheck to the top of the corporate ladder only to discover she was “propped up against the wrong building.” She had the big house, high-powered job, city-club membership…but no happiness. So she quit her busy, stressful life and set a course of adventure, freedom and world travel on a shoestring budget. Barbara reveals how she finally took charge at the helm to “lead her ship” and live her dream life.”

 “Shanna McFarlane found herself homeless at sixteen and begging for food on the streets in a foreign country. But pity isn’t welcomed here. Her struggle to defy poverty put her on the road to wealth. By the age of thirty-one Shanna was a self-made millionaire and CEO of a real estate empire. Now she uses her “rags to riches” story to lift others as she climbs. Her “lead her ship” journey is bound to inspire you.”

“I deliberately set myself up for success by serving my clients stories and self-development techniques that empower them. The more I use my passion for writing to empower, the more I grow my business and increase my profit.”

Yes, passion and profit can be a perfect partnership that makes lots of dollars and “sense.”  

Want to be a Power Presenter and Rock as a Speaker? Contact Sharon Frame for free consultation.  www.sharonframespeaks.com

Join Sharon on her annual LeadHERship Empowerment Cruise! Go to www.LeadHERshipcruise.com



T. Allen Hanes

#1 Best Selling Author, International Speaker, Radio Host. T. Allen Hanes is long a time entrepreneur and business contributor for Small Business Trendsetters, CNN iReport, Thrive Global and Medium. He is also the founder of The Authority Syndicate Group. Co-Founder of The Crypto business Forum New York. An Educator and Advocate for entrepreneurs and small business owners. He has also traveled the world speaking and educating audiences.