In 2009, Ron Razete and his wife Marci founded Peace, Love and Little Donuts in Pittsburgh, PA. Ron is a former youth pastor with a taste for sweet treats and an eye to making people happy. Despite a pre-disposition to collecting what his wife fondly recalled as “junk,” one of Ron’s early acquisitions, a donut fryer, really paid off for his family in the end. Early mishaps putting the unfamiliar machine together resulted in the now iconic “tennis ball” sized donuts offered throughout the Peace, Love and Little Donuts chain. “No matter how hard I tried, adjusting the machine, changing our batter, back to adjusting the machine, back to adjusting the batter…” Razete explained, “We just kept getting this “little” donut. So, we figured we must be destined to make this tennis-ball-sized donut. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!”
After several rounds of failed attempts to choose a name for the donut shop, Ron relates an experience similar to “texting” into his mind that he credits God with inspiration and direction. “I was staring into a mirror, washing my hands when the full name “popped” into my mind. I immediately ran the idea of “Peace, Love and Little Donuts” by my wife and kids and they gave it two thumbs up!
Peace, Love and Little Donuts grew from a 204 square foot first location, but Ron and Marci soon had requests from friends and strangers to franchise the concept and allow others to open locations across the USA. “I’m always excited to meet others who want to take my concept and open a new store so this simple idea to spread happiness can grow even bigger!” Razete said.
In a short few years, Peace, Love and Little Donuts has found millions of customers across varying demographics who love Peace, Love and Little Donuts. Ron and Marci currently have an exciting business model to share with donut lovers who want to make people happy. The chain has grown quickly and now has 41 stores in 13 states and is looking to expand more. Despite dire predictions from the COVID-19 pandemic and the shaky economic and business landscape, Peace, Love and Little Donuts business model has proven to be a success.
To learn more about business opportunities, call (412) 779-7359. For more information, or to connect with Ron, email: info@peaceloveandlittledonuts.com.
Visit Peace, Love and Little Donuts online to learn more about the company at: http://www.peaceloveandlittledonuts.com.
About Ron Razete
Ron Razete is Founder and CEO of Peace, Love and Little Donuts. He has successfully created CPG and QSR brands who are category leaders. He has a diverse background in food manufacturing, distribution, leadership and ministry. He formed a 501(C)3 non-profit company to support pastors and their spouses in their marriage commitments. His wife Marci of 36 years is working side by side with him to lead Peace, Love and Little Donuts toward its highest and most effective ends.
Location Info:
Peace, Love and Little Donuts – Pittsburgh
50 21st Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222
(412) 904-4649