Signs of Poor Service From Resume Writers

Resume writers will rarely struggle for work because there is always a great amount of activity in the city between employers and employees.

Career-orientated individuals are commonly vying for open positions as new candidates emerge from overseas and interstate to drive up the competition.

This is where some outsourced professionalism can really earn an edge for prospective employees, but they have to ensure they are calling on qualified candidates for the role.

Here we will outline some red flags that should indicate to customers when they are being shortchanged.

Struggle to Highlight Candidate Strengths

Professional resume writers like these above all else have to be able to highlight the unique strengths of the candidate. By reading their career history, educational background and even personal references that have discussed these attributes, top operators can pinpoint exactly what type of role they will fit. Leaving this selection blank will do a great disservice to the candidate as they need to set themselves apart from the competition. Otherwise the entire exercise is a waste.

Poor Resume Presentation

Resume writers will usually operate under some expected norms by following key protocol on their presentation. This will include the names, addresses, dates, career history, educational background and personal attributes that are suitable for the listed position. Some of these formats can be generic in style and tone but if the position demands efficiency then that should be the goal. Failure to achieve this level of expertise with inexplicable inclusions and oversights illustrates that they are not up to the role.

Language Out of Sync With Industry

For prospective employees to get their foot in the door with an employer for an interview, they need to rely on resume writers adapting the document to suit the needs of the industry. Such a requirement can be found across the board, ranging from development and manufacturing with labour jobs to IT and computing or via medical research and biological science. Irrespective of the field, candidates need to be given the chance to impress their potential boss and outline that through a resume that speaks their language.

Lack of Flexibility

Resume writers should be able to offer flexible services and make alterations depending on the type of agreement that has been formalised. If any names, addresses or dates do indeed change and the document has to be updated in some shape or form, it should be simple and straightforward to make that happen. Some of the worst outlets in this field want nothing to do with a client beyond the initial transaction or will even avoid undertaking any more duties. This is a red flag for a poor quality of service.

Expensive Quoting and Hidden Fees

It is unacceptable in any field to bill clients excessively, however that issue is amplified further with many customers being unemployed or underpaid. Resume writers that inflate their prices or include hidden fees that suddenly emerge at the last minute are doing everyone a disservice. Even with online domains that can rank and review particular providers, there is every chance they can change their bio and repeat the process.


Before long it won’t be difficult to determine whether or not the hired resume writers are up to the task. According to Kev’s Best, unless there are major gaps in the work history or it is irrefutably unremarkable, they should be able to get results. Should the door remain closed and a series of polite ‘no thank you’ have been returned then it will be an indication that they cannot achieve the standard benchmark.

Mehboob Ali Meghani

Mehboob Ali is an Entrepreneur and a Social Activist. He is also a contributor at Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and Marketing Insiders.