Others are told their whole life that they are too loud, and to not share their voice. Inspired Living featured an interview with vocal coach Sloane Reali, that will help viewers not only find their voice but the confidence and the power behind it.
“I was told a lot growing up that I was too much and too loud. Every single one of my report cards from school stated that I talked too much. My sister was really the triple A student. I was like a B average student. But in the comments, every single report card said I talk too much. And I think somewhere that got ingrained in me, ” said Reali.
As an adult, Sloane pursued education as a career but found working in the school system was just another place where she felt unheard and unable to make an impact.
Today, Sloane teaches voice to children and adults. This work is about so much more than musical ability. Some of her students come for help speaking and singing after losing their ability to articulate after a stroke or other illnesses and injuries. Others are convinced they have zero musical ability.
“I love all my clients, but something special happens when someone comes to me for lessons who is convinced they cannot sing. They’re like clay on a potter’s wheel. They cannot believe what we accomplish in just one hour.”
The speed at which people are moving with work and school and stress and anxiety, disconnect us. Most of the planet, most of the people coming in to see Reali are hyperventilating or breathing appears shallow.
She even said that she should also be called a breathing coach, not just a voice coach.
Reali explained, “We’re breathing in. Creating, bringing that up through your body and then creating an exit to let it go. And then you’re taking the next breath in and then you know, everyone right now is breathing with you. Yes, great. And out. It’s like an accordion or diaphragm is like an accordion and we’re like a giant humans straw and most of us just don’t stretch it at all. We’re just so close, stretch it and we get quick. That’s when clients come. The first thing I’m looking for is where their hose is kinked.”
Host, Keri Murphy asked, So what advice would you give someone who is feeling that? Is it breathe more? Is it just sing in the shower? Is it, is it start using your voice more at work?
Reali answered, “The first thing we have to get over the fear of making a fool of myself. It’s that fear of what other people gonna think. So we have to deal with this first. And what I would like to say to the viewer, or if you’re listening to this is whatever you’ve been told about your voice, whatever it is, no such thing as tone-deaf, it does not exist.”
Sloane Reali now works with people in-person one-on-one in a few different cities. But she is also releasing her first online product soon for people that can’t work with her in person or they’re really not sure yet about investing the time. It will be available on video and audio for people to do in the privacy of their own homes.
Whether she is working with people who want to sing or are trying to regain a voice that has taken a hit, what she really provides is confidence. Tune in to this week’s interview to hear more of Sloane’s insights into gaining confidence, being heard, and how everyone can find their voice. Read more about Sloane Reali at her website VocalCoachingBySloane.com