MindRight Pro is the Leading-Edge of High-Performance Mindfulness training and has been proven repeatedly to help players at the highest levels of basketball statistically improve their games.
Here is what Jake Rauchbach says about “Performing Better Under Pressure By Getting Emotionally Neutral.”
“From the mental skills side, NFL Superstar Russell Wilson uses emotional neutrality to drive his performance under pressure. Here are 5 steps to leverage your ability to remain emotionally neutrality to optimize your performance when it matters most.”
Whether you are an athlete, entrepreneur, parent, and/or working professional, finding a way to thrive under pressure is vital for a happy, healthy, and successful life. Unlocking the best version of yourself more consistently is what handling pressure is all about.
Jake Rauchbach also shares what NFL Superstar Russell Wilson said, “As athletes, we train the body, we train ourselves to be able to run faster, throw farther, jump higher, and do these different things, but why don’t we train our mind?” This same question holds for us mere mortals. Why don’t we train our minds to perform under pressure, and if we did, how would we do this?” “There is a key for getting into a mental space conducive for performing well under pressure.” Wilson says, “You got to know how to shift to neutral.”
“Enter Emotional Neutrality” Presented By Jake Rauchbach:
“Emotional Neutrality – It is a state in which your mind and body go into a non-reactive mode. No matter what is transpiring outside of yourself, you remain as a detached observer, not allowing the volatility of emotions to disrupt your inner balance. In this space, true brilliance lies. Now, even if you are not a Super Bowl Champion, you too can learn how to thrive under pressure. According to Wilson, “Mindset is a skill; it can be taught and learned.”
Here is what Rauchbach says is, “The 4 Easy Step Process that can be learned today, to succeed under pressure.”
Step 1: Get Present Moment through Observation!
Accessing high-performance in pressure situations all starts with engaging in the present moment. Experiencing the present moment more often allows an individual to be less susceptible to being swept away in the internal emotions of the past or the outside whirlwind of everyday life. Sometimes, this sounds too simple to be effective, but observation is EVERYTHING.
By simply observing routines and experiences, like washing dishes, taking out the trash, and even driving to work, directly trains the brain to be emotionally neutral in all situations in life, not just the mundane ones. This means that when the pressure starts to escalate at work, with family, or with finances, one can begin to find poise and performance more easily when it matters most.
Step 2: Use Your Breathe
Throughout the day, employing observation skills while using breathing as a way to move energy is key. For millennia, breathwork has been used to heal and transform. When one combines observation and breathe together, this has an amplifying effect, allowing the mind ability to remain emotionally neutral. Emotional neutrality breeds more neutrality, which in turn provides the chance to perform better. One must walk before they run; thus, using both of these techniques when the pressure is on influences poise and effectiveness in the moment.
A great way to do this is to take 10 deep breaths. Breathe In through the nose and out through the mouth, slowly and calmly observing the breath. Repeat this technique 3-5 times throughout the day.
Step 3: Focus
It is much easier to mentally focus when absorbed in the present moment. As observation and breathwork are employed, begin to place attention consciously, and focus on daily tasks. This will begin to further train the mind to remain relaxed but focused, also known as being emotionally neutral.
As this emotional neutrality improves, apply the method to situations that elicit more stress, for example, the important sales calls, client meetings, the dreaded workout, or even the family get-togethers that produce unwanted feelings of discord.
Observation, breathwork, and mental focus drive emotional neutrality. Emotional neutrality provides the chance to hack those pressure-packed moments so one can thrive.
Step 4: Trust The Work
Rauchbach strongly believes, “This last step is so important! As these tools are implemented and done so regularly, know that the steps are being taken to succeed when the pressure is on.”
“Just like Russell Wilson, who rigorously trains before stepping on the field under the bright lights, you too will be doing the same. Training your mind to remain neutral through deliberate observation, breathing, and focus techniques boost your probability for emotional neutrality during life’s most pressure-filled moments. Implement this process every day until you are excellent at remaining poised in the important moment. Getting to neutral, and staying there is what separates the good from the great, and can give you the chance to experience performance excellence.”