“I am excited and pleased to roll out an app that is great for all Recovery Coaches, Life Coaches, Addiction Coaches, Therapists, and Counselors that will increase their success rate with clients in a real-world environment,” said Dr. Estes.
“We can keep the client accountable at the touch of a button with real-time GPS tracking, push-button notifications, daily reminders, and more,” explained Estes. “This is simply a game-changer.”
The Addictions Academy is the global leader in addiction recovery coach training and certification. Recovery Coaching has proven to be one of the most successful models for supporting people in early recovery. With the new Coach Hub App, the Addictions Academy has taken recovery coaching one step further and now offers a structured path to live support and real-time accountability.
The Addictions Academy Coach Hub application developed by Dr. Cali Estes now brings together the power of people and technology, all designed to connect clients with coaches who care. The Coach Hub application allows clients and coaches to create a personalized program of recovery specifically for each client to fit what supports their journey right on the device they use all day long.
The Coach Hub delivers a HIPAA compliant platform that connects coaches and clients via secure app-to-app communication. This comprehensive solution allows coaches to securely text and launch video and phone calls, all while keeping their phone number private. Structure in early recovery is crucial, and putting that structure in front of clients every day ensures they know what their goals are but still allows for on-demand support from their coach.
The nation’s opioid crisis reached new proportions in 2018, continuing to increase from the unbelievable 70,000 deaths we saw in 2017. Overdose deaths are now higher than deaths from HIV, car crashes, or gun violence at their peaks. The fallout from the opioid epidemic has been far-reaching, and drug companies are paying hundreds of millions of dollars to settle opioid lawsuits.
A recent report in the New York Times about a settlement reached with major opioid drug manufacturers stated, “In the settlement, the drug distributors — McKesson, Cardinal Health and AmerisourceBergen, which distribute about 90 percent of all the medicines to pharmacies, hospitals and clinics in the United States — agreed to pay $215 million to the two Ohio counties that brought the lawsuit. Teva, the Israel-based manufacturer of generic drugs, agreed to pay $20 million in cash over three years and donate $25 million worth of addiction treatment drugs such as a generic Suboxone, which blunts cravings for opioids.”
The story continued, “Even as the two-county settlement was being announced, the drug distributors and other corporate defendants in the trial were pursuing a global deal, worth $48 billion in cash and donated addiction treatments, to resolve all opioid lawsuits against them.”
The Coach Hub allows for a secure way for Recovery and Substance Abuse support professionals to effectively aid in the on-going war against opiate addiction.
“The opioid problem, along with alcohol and numerous other substance use disorder issues, is creating more demand for our services than ever,” said Dr. Estes. “And not just here in the US, worldwide this is huge. We’re glad we can provide this valuable training globally.”
“This app finally allows us the ease of delivering a treatment plan to the palm of a client’s hand. Coaching has evolved, so should the way support is offered,” Estes continued.
Dr. Cali Estes and The Addictions Academy have been offering a wide-ranging assortment of advanced training for years in an on-going effort to counteract the growing addiction problem. The Academy has more than 30 faculty teaching over 40 courses in five different languages. Program graduates can be found in 25 countries, helping address the addiction problem worldwide.
For more info on The Addictions Academy, go to https://theaddictionsacademy.com.
To learn more about Dr. Cali Estes, The Addictions Coach, visit https://theaddictionscoach.com.
For details about The Coach Hub App, go to https://innovativetreatmentsolutions.com/thecoachhub/.