Charles states:
“If this is a United States Immigration Policy Act, to separate children from their families, then this should be deemed a form of kidnapping that the American people would do well to correct at once. There are allegations of other countries around the world that are forcefully separating/taking children from their families, it’s no wonder why the People are angry. In America, there will be serious challenges for this, it is cruel and unusual punishment violating the 8th Amendment of the great Constitution of the United States of America and Human rights, let the children go!”
Saturday, June 30th, 2018, saw Americans involved in a reporting of approximately 700 rallies to protests against the US Immigration Policy’s separation of families, including the Families Belong Together March of New York City that hailed 30,000 people from New York Locals to City and Governmental Officials and Celebrities that came out, undeterred to march in record-breaking heat while crossing New York’s Brooklyn Bridge. Celebrity Actress and Activist Kerry Washington cried of the current US Immigration Policy as a “travesty,” and voiced “a gross violation of human rights.”
In related “news and views worth sharing,” The Berkshire Edge, made top of Google news listings for a letter based on some of Charles’ claims of violations of rights. Penned by Erin Sullivan, Director of Community Relations for Berkshire Community and Families, helping families stay together for over 100 years, Sullivan’s penned and news-making viewpoint is aptly titled ‘Separation of Immigrant Children From Parents Violates Children’s Rights.’ The letter to The Berkshire Edge Editor-In-Chief, David Scribner, reads Sullivan’s statements to include “The intentional separation of immigrant children from their families at our borders contradicts all that we know is good for families,”also a public call to assists families affected by US Immigration Policy,”If any family, regardless of their immigration status, is in need of support we welcome the opportunity to help.”
Charles announced his urgency to further provide the NYC Community with education of Constitutional and Human rights, began during the explosive rallying of the New York City Families Belong Together March. The USA Constitution Thought Leader predicted the demand for US Immigration Policy reform to also spear-head challenges to be taken to high courts and an increased world focus of Constitutional, Civil, and Human rights. The President Trump Administration currently moves rapidly to satisfy a court-ordered deadline to reunite immigrant families. The New York Times has now published ‘Trump Administration in Chaotic Scramble to Reunify Migrant Families.’ Charles further continues, “How would you feel if your child was taken by a government agency? Human interests, discussions, and actions of what true rights are, are far from over.”
The Real King Charles is a New York City Community Advocate for the Protection of Constitutional Rights. With 22 years of study and living within the rights of the Constitution of the United States of America, the Educator also participates and leads group workshops, lectures, and is Author of the upcoming book, ‘In the Right of The Law.’
For more on The Real King Charles and Education of the Rights of The United States of America Constitution, visit https://therealkingcharles.com
– https://pix11.com/2018/06/30/thousands-face-nycs-sweltering-heat-to-protest-trump-policy-separating-families-at-the-border/
– https://theberkshireedge.com/separation-of-immigrant-children-from-parents-violates-childrens-rights/
– https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/05/us/migrant-children-chaos-family-separation.html