World-Class Business Change-Makers Reveal How Love Makes a Difference in Business 

Love, in the sense of compassion, empathy, and understanding, is vital in business for several reasons:

  1.     When businesses show love and care for customers, it creates a solid emotional bond, improves customer loyalty, and leads to repeat business.
  2.     Love and positive relationships within a team can improve morale, motivation, and communication, leading to increased productivity.
  3.     A workplace culture of love and respect can create a positive and supportive work environment, attracting and retaining employees.
  4.     Love and empathy in business relationships can help build trust and promote strong partnerships, leading to more effective problem-solving and decision-making.
  5.     Love and compassion can help businesses create a sense of purpose beyond just making a profit by incorporating values such as social responsibility and environmental sustainability into their business model.

Founder, Editor in Chief, Media and News Publisher of MSP News Global, Mark Stephen Pooler, believes that life and business are not about competition but collaboration and cooperation. Showing love and exhibiting genuine human compassion in business is critical for lifting up those who have experienced challenging times. Sometimes, this can be as simple as listening. But incorporating love in business can certainly help to heal the world. Shared here is advice from some of the world’s most profound business change-makers for demonstrating ways to integrate love into business.

Marcia Martin is an International Best-Selling Author, Executive Trainer, and Founder of the Talk This Way for Success leadership development programs. For Marcia, incorporating love into the business place is crucial for results. Her recommendation for “love conquering all” is to lower the walls. Literally. Lowering the walls of cubicles enabling co-workers to see each other, and facilitating meetings where they are encouraged to share, leads to connections. A connected team is a more unified team, equaling better results.

Author, Catalyst for Change, and Inspirational Speaker Christine Marsh believes that the true reward for feeling valued, cared for, respected, and loved in business is something that money cannot buy. The emotional benefit, the bonus, is revealed when all of these essential elements are reciprocated within the workplace.

Sheri Elizabeth is a Manifestation and Mindset Coach who encourages others to pour love into negative situations to extinguish destructive fires. As Sheri believes, love is the natural state of being and the most powerful force in the universe. Once this power is an actual state of mind, it shows in all aspects of work, consciously and unconsciously. Putting love out enables it to come back.

Talia Adika, International Health Insurance Specialist, knows that business is all about relationship building, sharing, and showing compassion for others in the workplace. Therefore, love is the key to success, even in business, because all healthy relationships are nurtured. 

Tamara Hunter is a Keynote Speaker, Best-Selling Author, International Non-Profit Founder, and TV Show Host. Tamara, who views love through the lens of empathy and support, predicts it to be a vital business strategy for growth in the coming decade. 

As a High-Performance Wellness Coach and Founder of, Lidia Kuleshnyk, helps people master their inner power. As an expert on matters of the heart, Lidia believes the purpose of a business is to offer things that improve the world. By aligning with the heart and connecting with the soul, business becomes a natural extension of this universal love, allowing individuals to genuinely serve their clients.

Lydia Burchell is an International Speaker, Success Coach, and Founder of The World Love Project. Lydia recognizes that being a leader is complex, and running a business out of fear, anger, and doubt can often lead to significant challenges or failure. A business based on love tends to flow in synchronicity and builds positive energy by utilizing its resources of trust, connection, creativity and loyalty. And thus, more favorable results occur.

CEO, Producer, and Director of Film It Productions, Darla Rae, believes that approaching business operations with love and compassion as the guiding forces sets a healthy tone for the ideal business communications and working conditions.

Desiree Anderson, Founder of Crest Coaching & HR, equips companies to move forward by providing them with innovative coaching techniques, NLP, and healing strategies. As a leadership coach, Desiree sees many individuals struggling with low self-worth and advises clients to prioritize physical, mental, and spiritual self-care, making it the foundation of life.

Jacquie Freeman empowers individuals as a Reiki Master and helps them tap into the power of their inner guidance through Mandala and sound healing workshops. Utilizing love as the cornerstone for her teachings, Jacquie feels that combining love, service, and integrity is the magic combination for growing and flourishing in 2023.


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