6 Tips For Private Equity Firms On How To Implement Effective Marketing And Communications

Effective marketing is subject to having effective communications; the two go hand-in-hand. As such, effective marketing and communication play a significant role in the growth and success of a business. Below are six tips on how private equity firms can implement effective marketing and communication.

  1. Walk journalists through the story

When having some face time with journalists, that ‘no comment’ routine when in front of the media will taint your image. However, there is the need to know what to say and when so that you play it safe when trying to remain below the radar. Therefore, firms should have a more strategic approach when dealing with the media.

It should invest in a press department which can be internal, or the business can outsource similar services from a PR agency. With such a team in place, there always is an immediate response to media enquiries about a particular matter regarding the company. It ensures there all facts are put in the right context so that the story is laid out in a manner that helps put it to bed. Overall, the firm’s position on the matter is upheld and understand.

  1. Introduce your principals to the key private equity correspondents

Again, it is essential that you find time to have some face time with the media and let it be an opportunity to communicate your investment approach. Solidify your authority as a leader in your industry by showcasing your track record. It is a strategy that will help you or your business be better understood and the same expressed by the media reporting of your investments. Here is some information on the future of private equity from Marks Sattin.

  1. Let your specialism and investment approach be known

New entrants are keen on having a piece of the London private equity market cake. Their hunger is to stand out from the crowd, and they are bound to achieve this by communicating their specialism and what they want to be known for. In short, you should explain what makes your investment approach unique or different from the others and why you are focusing on a particular sector.

The marketing and communication strategy to implement should be well thought out. It should have a message that echoes the company’s DNA. It is a plan that should be all-inclusive. That means you need to run the message through all channels of communication and that includes the employees, investors and media to help solidify relations.

  1. Increase your news flow

Tell it to the world what you are doing, those new deals you are eyeing and the investment strategies you have made. Putting such information out there will help boost your SEO campaign so that an LP can build a picture of your business and its investments when they search it or your name in Google.

  1. Tell it through the company’s portfolio

The keyword in the story that is your firm’s private equity is the word “private.” That means that you own the story and it is yours to tell when and how you want. However, it is best explained through the business’ portfolio. You can give it some spunk by using audio-visual content and descriptive case studies that help bring your website to life. Have the firm’s CEOs onboard and speaking the same lingo about the private equity ownership. Moreover, with such a tactic that leverages videos and case studies will also boost the search engine optimisation efforts. View that spot on Google’s first search results page as your online corporate brochure, and know that you need to control it via the content you post online.

  1. Showcase your talent and become a leader

Your workforce is an asset. You need to invest in your talent, especially the principals by having them be thought leaders. As you identify themes for private equity that you can own and offer industry commentary by publishing research papers and opinion pieces, you also should have your principals furthering the same agenda. They can do this by allowing them to speak at regular conferences and making them known among the firm’s peers.

Mehboob Ali Meghani

Mehboob Ali is an Entrepreneur and a Social Activist. He is also a contributor at Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and Marketing Insiders.