Delinda Harrelson Elite Real Estate Investor Interview

Welcome to Business Innovators Magazine…Please introduce yourself and a brief thumbnail of your background.

DH: My name is Delinda Harrelson, I am a full-time Private Investor that specializes in providing solutions to people wanting to sell their property. 

BI: What would you say is the area of business that you are most passionate about and why?

DH: While I have extensive experience in a variety of real estate investing vehicles, the two types of investments that I probably enjoy most are house flipping and house buy-and-holds. The two offer me diversity, as the flips generate periodic chunks of cash and the holds provide monthly cash-flow. So, I like having both of these tools in my box.

BI: How are you different than your competitors?

DH: The first thing that comes to mind is my vision. When I first got into the business I was fortunate enough to have a coach that helped me develop a keen eye for spotting money-makers. The key to building wealth in real estate is found in the buy. If you acquire a house at the wrong price or time, it’s likely that you won’t be prosperous and that you will probably lose money. My vision is closely linked to my due-diligence regimen that I have honed and perfected over the years.

BI: Please tell me about any recent business accomplishments that you are most proud of and why?

DH: We all know that the market is hot right now. But, remember, we just came off a brutal stretch that knocked most of my competition out of the game. For me, I was fortunate enough to be extremely successful even in the downturn. While others were closing their doors, I was still making money. I believe my systems work in any market.

As an example, I bought a dilapidated house that was widely-known as a crack-house, if you will. I knew the inventory, real comps (this is where many investors and agents go wrong), and margins. I ended up selling in a bidding war and reaching a record high sale price for the neighborhood. During that terrible recession, I netted over a hundred grand in less than five months.

BI: What Leadership qualities in Leaders do you most admire and why?

DH: To me, a leader is a shaper. Too many people are late to the game. I admire anyone who can see trends before they happen, or, even better, are the ones who start the trends. That’s what leadership looks like to me.
Over the years I’ve been a market changer in my own city. I began buying and selling in neighborhoods that were stagnant and struggling. In time, my efforts helped revitalize the entire community. Nobody saw it coming. I saw what no one else did.

Q: Finding investment-worthy properties can be tough. How do you come across deals that you want to pursue?

DH: That’s a great question. Any time a good deal is becoming available, there’s a race to acquire it. Fortunately, at this point in my career, I am pretty well-connected in my markets and I tend to hear of opportunities before a lot of other investors, giving me an edge. But, here’s the truth about how I got into this enviable position. I did it by earning a reputation for trustworthiness. People have seen me keep my word, meet deadlines, pay my bills on time, provide excellent customer service, and deliver a high-quality product over and over. More, they’ve seen my ability to network and to get things done. So, it’s essential to never cut corners.

BI: What has been a key element of your success?

DH: Well, as I said, I love hard work and strong discipline. Along with that, I think the teaching that I subjected myself to is what gave me the knowledge I needed to be a winner. I invested thousands and thousands into training, and specifically to an investing coach who changed my life. I spent my last dime on training and it was well worth it for me.

BI: What are some of the business projects that you are currently working on that you are excited about and why?

DH: I have decided to put more of my time into training others. I love coaching people and watching them see and enjoy prosperity. This year, I am planning several seminars on a variety of topics. Right now I am not sure which markets we will be in, but they definitely are in the works.

Another part of my training platform will be books that I have recently written and that are currently in the publishing process.

Additionally, I have set new investment goals for 2018 that I probably won’t make public at this point. I have added a few key members to my team and have an ambitious game-plan both for this year and 2019. I think the table is set for phenomenal gains.

BI: What are 1 or 2 things you would like to say to a prospective client who stumbles across this interview?

DH: First, you can do this. Anyone can. Second, you need to count the cost and be ready to invest time and money, not only into properties but into training. Lastly, be teachable. Find a great coach and stick with the system. don’t reinvent the wheel.

BI: To wrap this up, what are you most excited about in the upcoming months in your business?

DH: As I said, I have large goals over the next months. I’m excited to teach and to train and to help my clients and students establish themselves, create good habits, and generate income.


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