A recent Pew Research study found nearly 1 in 3 people use LinkedIn on a regular basis. Researchers at Pew concluded that LinkedIn users are more educated, make more money, and tend to be higher up the corporate ladder. And digital marketing experts say that translates into better, more profitable business networking opportunities for LinkedIn users compared to Facebook users.
One of those experts is Racheal Blackmore, CEO and founder of Blackmore Marketing Solutions. According to Blackmore, many small business owners – including “mompreneurs,” solopreneurs and startups – are turning from Facebook to LinkedIn to get better ROI from their digital marketing.
“Facebook is no longer the pillar of content for these companies,” Blackmore says. “LinkedIn is for the little guy. The startups. The nonprofits, and those who simply don’t have the marketing budget that many of their competitors do,” Blackmore says.
Blackmore works with clients to explode their brand, voice, and story through what she calls their “omnipresent digital footprint.”
“90% of my clientele are start-ups,” Blackmore explains. “It’s an uphill battle to garner brand awareness and get in front of the right people when you’re previously unknown.”
That is why Blackmore believes that all other forms of digital marketing are secondary to what can be accomplished in a short amount of time with LinkedIn. She created her “Lead With LinkedIn” program specifically to work with clients one on one, to optimize their LinkedIn profile, and to show them how to get the most out of this powerful social media platform.
According to Blackmore, LinkedIn offers better organic reach, greater post engagement, and higher quality connections than Facebook – and she has the numbers to prove it.
“Within 22 days, using the proper LinkedIn strategy, I was able to get my client in front of nearly 1,000 potential clients, brought him 18 viable leads, increased his industry rank from 64% to the top 3%, and brought in sales that he closed for over 200% ROI,” Blackmore says. “All this without spending any money on ads.”
Blackmore calculates that getting those kinds of results on any other platform, especially Facebook, would take deep pockets and more time. As a result, many of Blackmore’s clients are devoting fewer resources to Facebook and making the switch to LinkedIn.
One of those clients is Mitsy Wempe, founder and president of Oinkin Oasis, a nonprofit organization in Gilmer, Texas. “In just two short weeks, Racheal has put a fresh look on our Facebook page, built and managed our LinkedIn page, restructured our sponsorship program, and created professional marketing collateral,” Wempe says, “This has blessed us with more followers, increased engagement, and a significant increase in donations.”
“As Facebook continues its downward spiral after its most recent algorithm change and legal turmoil, LinkedIn will begin to outrank the platform in every way,” Blackmore predicts. “Those that begin using proper social selling techniques, work alongside the algorithm, and use it to its fullest potential right now – before the surge of former Facebook users show up – will reap the benefits.”
Racheal Blackmore is a successful copy and content writer specializing in brand recognition and digital marketing. Over the past 10 years she has owned and managed several businesses and has ghostwritten for hundreds of companies, bloggers, and solopreneurs.
To work with Racheal Blackmore, or to download her free resources, visit her site at www.BlackmoreMarketingSolutions.com.