The biggest results I help my clients achieve is healing and releasing the deep-seated trauma (emotional pain) lying behind the presenting symptoms so that they can go walking with their dog, playing with their grandchildren, even having the career they thought they’d never be able to. Real powerful transformations occur quickly and permanently. I am a big believer that life is for living and not therapy.
4. What would be your biggest piece of advice for readers who want to achieve the same?
That it is possible for them to achieve too. We were all born with confidence and self-belief and that has been eroded. Anything they have acquired can be let go of and the answers lie in their own subconscious minds, even when consciously they may not know where it all began.
5. What are the biggest mistakes you see people make and how can they be avoided?
The biggest mistake we were making, and I know others do too, was looking for the answers in a bottle of pills and swapping one set of symptoms for others. That constant cycle of visits to the doctor’s surgery, hospital appointments, blood tests and scans. While medication has its place, it is often not the solution we are looking for.
We have the power to heal ourselves, just like when we damage a part of our skin, it repairs itself without us consciously thinking about it. Our subconscious minds perform at least 95% of what we do and our conscious minds only around 5%. We have been conditioned to look outside of ourselves when the answers are within us all along.
6. How do you plan on further growing your business?
Being more visible outside of social media and in the real world. I am always looking for new opportunities. Next year I plan to do my first TED talk.
7. Where can the readers find you?
My website is
Facebook group
Facebook business page