So how exactly can Annabella help individuals change the world? Start-ups need funding and investors, like record labels, studios, and entities such as Netflix and Paramount Pictures, need viable products, services, and ideas to devote funds to. Annabella is the link, with the established relationships with influencers and investors, the ability to find talent, and the capability bring the two together! Through Club Annabella, she will be seeking credible opportunities to present to the myriad of investors she works with to create profitable scenarios for everyone involved. Annabella’s expertise in developing solid business plans and pitch decks is best-in-class and her desire to empower aspiring entrepreneurs, filmmakers, women, most notably in Africa and India, artists, and individuals seeking to do more with their lives is highly impressive.Â
Club Annabella Corporation solves the problem of individuals needing funding for their worthy business and entertainment projects while helping investors obtain solid returns on their investments. Success and luxury are available for all and Club Annabella has the ticket.
Annabella Gutman is widely known as the cosmopolitan connector. She is originally from Israel and currently lives in Los Angeles. Annabella has been the CEO and Founder of Hollywood Funders LLC, Reflection Films Corporations, and most recently founded Club Annabella Corporation. Club Annabella Corporation helps entrepreneurs, brands and filmmakers receive the success they desire through utilizing her extensive connections, resources and knowledge of the industry. Additionally, the Corporation will fund and manage its own humanitarian project to impact climate change and the environment. Annabella is also planning for several lines beginning in 2022 including a fragrance line, skincare line, video game, clothing line and luxury travel experiences. Her mission is to help bring others with her on a journey to enjoying wealth, success and abundance in life, while giving back to the community, ending homelessness and creating world peace.