Craig Jones: Yes and one of the reasons is that we value our customers and look out for them. Circumstances change for companies and I recently moved a longtime client to another carrier with the same coverage for half the cost. Needless to say, he was delighted.
Don Matheson: I have really been impressed by the solid business platform you employ. What is the first thing someone would do to begin the process?
Heather Jones: We used to say think about exactly what you need and then call, but we’ve changed that to just pick up the phone or come visit and between us we’ll find out if what you think you want is really what you need, based on questions you might not even know to ask.
Craig Jones: Yes, that is a major factor in achieving success for the customer.
Don Matheson: In your experience, what is the biggest or most common problem that you solve for the consuming public?
Heather Jones: It’s more of a challenge than a problem. Everyone wants the most they can get for the least investment. It is human nature. Many times we get the perfect match. Sometimes you just have to pay the price. All of the time we get as close as we can, which is much better than you can do on your own.
Craig Jones: We’ve seen people get baited into buying inferior coverage for what they think is a savings. A good example is someone who opts for a $1,000 deductible instead of investing $2 per month to cut that in half. People don’t realize that roadside assistance is only $1 more per month…$1. That $1 will allow you to get your car towed at 3am and to some people that will be priceless. Again, it goes back to providing useful information that leads to good choices.
Don Matheson: So how would you summarize why working with professionals like yourselves greatly improve consumers chances for success?
Heather Jones: Experience and caring moves us to help people avoid costly mistakes. Also, there are few things worse than thinking you were covered for something and you weren’t. From our relationship with the top companies, we know the top ten that can handle each situation, narrow it down to three choices and finally match up with one that may do more for the customer than others because they fit that niche.
Craig Jones: Yes, we are in a great position to do that for customers and they really appreciate it.
Don Matheson: And I appreciate what you contribute to our group and again, thanks for taking time to share your business experience and philosophy with me.
Craig Jones: Any time.
Heather Jones: You are certainly welcome.