Deidre Sirianni Bestselling Author of Turn Your Light On Shares Her Inspiring Journey and Success Secrets


Deidre Sirianni is an Intuitive Life & Business Coach who is an expert in helping you to wake up to your full potential and turn your vision into reality.

She focuses on enabling Impact Driven Entrepreneurs to create more time, location, and financial freedom so that they can make a more significant impact in the world with their gifts.

In this interview, Deidre Sirianni shares her inspiring journey, success secrets, and the key actions you can learn from.


Izdihar: How did you start your Entrepreneurship journey?

Deidre: I never wanted to work for someone else, so one day, I just decided I would have my own business and jumped in with two feet and figured it out!


Izdihar: Who inspired you to start your business?

Deidre: I grew up in a family of entrepreneurs, and I loved how my parents could create businesses based on how they wanted to live, and they could decide on their work hours. The way they made opportunities and were their own bosses was always something that inspired me.


Izdihar: What type of services or products do you offer?

Deidre: I offer two main services.

Turn Your Light On An Eight-Week Integrative Group Coaching Program that helps you dissolve and release self-sabotaging patterns and beliefs that are causing you to play small when it comes to your purpose. This program allows you to own your power to make a bigger impact in the world with your gifts.

Radically Aligned Mastermind – This is a 12-month deep dive journey for Impact Driven Entrepreneurs, Healers, Coaches, and Visionaries who want to create more time, location, and financial freedom while making a more significant impact in the world. This program combines leadership and business development to support your personal growth and business goals.


Izdihar: What is the best part of being an Entrepreneur?

Deidre: The best part of being an entrepreneur is my freedom to live and work from anywhere. I have the time and freedom to pursue multiple passions and help others to do the same!


Izdihar: What is the most challenging part about being an Entrepreneur?

Deidre: I think the most challenging part of being an entrepreneur is believing in yourself when things don’t go your way, and continuing to remind yourself why you are doing the work you are doing.


Izdihar: What are your biggest lessons about being an Entrepreneur?

Deidre: My 3 biggest lessons about being an entrepreneur are…

1) If you don’t know how to do something and are struggling to figure it out, hire someone who has already done it to make it easier!

2) Great things take time; they don’t happen overnight. Focus on consistency, and over time everything will come together.

3) Don’t take advice from people who haven’t done what you want to do or who aren’t living the life you want.


Izdihar: How are you different from other Entrepreneurs in the same industry?

Deidre: Everything I do is based on alignment first and true identity; I support my clients in building and creating from a place of integrity and sustainability rather than trends, quick fixes, and superficial goals.



Izdihar: What are your top 3 tips for other Entrepreneurs/your niche?

Deidre: My top 3 tips are…

1) Join a Mastermind of like-minded people to support you with your vision and growth. Masterminds are one of the fastest ways to grow your business.

2) Create a Masterclass and Signature Talk in your area of expertise and get booked on as many virtual and physical stages as possible that align with your audience. This is one of the fastest ways to grow your business and become known in your area of expertise.

3) Stop trying to be like other people in your area of expertise. Instead, focus on what makes you unique and different.


Izdihar: What’s your secret to balancing your family, business, and ME time?

Deidre: Decide what kind of lifestyle you want, and then create your business around that. Too many people start a business to have more time and freedom and end up having less. 

Schedule your exercise daily, schedule your lunch break, stop working at a particular time of day, and turn your electronics off. 

Know the most important tasks you need to complete each day and focus only on those key activities rather than getting distracted by what others want from you.

Build a team of people to support you so you can focus mainly from inside your zone of genius. Delegate tasks, create systems, and get good at creating boundaries with your time, focus, and energy.



Izdihar: What’s one key action that anybody can take today to move closer to their goals?

Deidre: Do one thing a day to move that goal forward. Water it like a plant, and be clear on why you want to achieve it.



Izdihar: Do you have any free gifts to offer? 

Deidre: Take the Turn Your Light On Quiz and discover where you are at in your evolutionary journey, and receive free video training and a downloadable worksheet on reaching your next level of purpose easily!

Take the Quiz Here >



Izdihar: How can people get in touch with you? Example, website

Dr. Izdihar Jamil

Dr. Izdihar Jamil, Ph.D.—#1 International Bestselling Author of Money Makers, TV Show Host and Visibility Expert—has appeared on FORBES, Fox TV, and She helps leaders to be SEEN, HEARD and CHOSEN as the go-to experts in their field with proven, predictable and effective methods. She’s also the Curator for TEDxHuntingtonBeach. She lives in California with her husband and children, she loves baking and reading. More info on Izdihar: