Dr. Scott Spiro Brings An Artist’s Eye to Anti-Aging and Plastic Surgery

BIM: Are there people who are ideal candidate for anti-aging treatment?

Doctor Spiro: I think anyone who goes through those preliminary basics and building blocks, and they’re willing to accept that, and they have reasonable expectations is a good candidate. Everybody has to be on the same page of what they’re going to put in, and what they’re willing to put in to get out of it, then they become good candidates.

As long as you follow that regimen of basics and you build upon the basics, I think you’re going get a very happy patient so as far as treatments go. We often just start with the monthly purifying facials and extractions and customized facial masks stressed for any age group between mid-twenties and mid-seventies. It keeps your skin healthy and youthful, and I think those are some of the foundations and what makes somebody an ideal candidate.

BIM: Is there anything that people should know before considering anti-aging treatment?

Doctor Spiro: I think it goes back the old adage in all of plastic surgery- management of expectations. There is no skincare treatment that’s going to really, completely turn back the clock overnight; nothing will do that. Years of sun  damage, environmental ware, stressors, and genetics, they all take their toll. Patients have to have patience in order to achieve reversal, so it’s a commitment and an effort and a routine. I always tell patients ‘there’s gotta be commitment, there’s gotta be some effort and you have to get into a routine’ and with a little bit of TLC, you know with our help, we can bring the skin’s youth back; it goes a long way.

BIM: That’s great. Is there anything that I haven’t asked that you want to add?

Dr. Spiro:  You know we can quickly get caught up in mentioning individual products and that’s never necessary in a discussion about skincare generality and concepts. I think initially overviews are always better. It’s amazing, it becomes an eye opener for patients when they hear how I sort of uniquely style these foundational building blocks. It really takes patients aback and they say ‘oh you know what I just thought I should do these other things as well’ and we say yes, “if you’re going to come in just twice a year for a major peel, you’re not going to get the result that somebody who establishes those three levels of very simple basics does; they’re going to be the superstars.’ I think  we covered it well.

The last thing, the only other thing I could add is that our favorites in my practice, for medical grade peels and pharmaceutical products are two product lines that have a very high safety record, reproducibility outcome record and they always introduce some new great product every year.

BIM: How long, if you know, have they been on the market since they first introduced them?

Dr. Spiro: Either company has been around at least 15 years.

BIM: So that is significant.

Dr. Spiro: Yes, exactly.

Jane Tabachnick

Jane Tabachnick is a bestselling author and a contributor to CNN, Firepole Marketing and other publications where she covers influencers, innovators, and entrepreneurs.