Houston Attorney, Paul J. Franzetti, Removes Obstacles That Can Land Small Business Owners in Big Trouble

Paul J. Franzetti knows a lot about the legal problems that can spell disaster for small business owners because he’s been a business owner himself. He got a taste of being an entrepreneur in 2007 when he was hired as General Counsel for a small company. Franzetti quickly assumed more duties as the business grew and he found that he really enjoyed educating prospects about the company and bringing in new clients. It was very soon afterwards that he stepped out and began his own business.

Most small business owners agree that running their business is richly rewarding but it also has its dangers. Stories abound of entrepreneurs who missed dotting and “I” or crossing a “T” leading to a legal problem ensnared them in a nightmare that ruin their dream and left them with crushing debt. Access to professional legal advice is something everyone agrees they need, but most feel they can’t afford.

During his career as a business trial lawyer, Franzetti saw many good businesses ruined; businesses that could have been saved and gone on to provide jobs and economic stability for their communities if they had just been given competent legal advice.

Franzetti has made it his mission to change that. His firm offers legal services on an outsource basis and at affordable prices which allows business owners to access just the services they need rather than paying to keep an attorney on retainer. In a recent interview, he explained that he saw how business owners struggled to educate themselves online and turned to do-it-yourself solutions only to realize too late that they had missed a crucial step.

“Legal issues are too complex for a quick internet fix”, he explains. Even something as basic as hiring an employee can lead to problems down the road if something is overlooked.

To help business owners understand where they may be vulnerable, he’s created a five minute Legal Reality Check that he offers as a free service. The Reality Check leads business owners through a series of questions that can expose some of the most common vulnerabilities. Once the owner knows where he’s vulnerable, he can take steps to correct the problem.
Franzetti invites readers to avail themselves of his Legal Reality Check tool on his site at http://www.legalrealitycheck.com/

T. Allen Hanes

#1 Best Selling Author, International Speaker, Radio Host. T. Allen Hanes is long a time entrepreneur and business contributor for Small Business Trendsetters, CNN iReport, Thrive Global and Medium. He is also the founder of The Authority Syndicate Group. Co-Founder of The Crypto business Forum New York. An Educator and Advocate for entrepreneurs and small business owners. He has also traveled the world speaking and educating audiences.