The evidence keeps rolling in: Exercise can be one of your most important cancer treatments. For anyone dealing with a cancer diagnosis, that’s great news. Starting, or maintaining, an exercise program can empower you to move out of a more passive “patient” role; it’ll help improve not just your well-being but your attitude, too.
Miramontes’ journey started when her mom said she wanted to hike in and out of the Grand Canyon.
“Those were the words my mom said to me upon hearing her diagnosis of terminal cancer. The average person with my mother’s diagnosis did not have long to live. Having been involved in the fitness industry for over 35 years, I began training my mom to get her ready to hike.”
Following her first round of radiation and chemo, Joanna Dunlap Cowden indeed hiked in and out of the Grand Canyon. After a successful, challenging, and emotional hike, Miramontes immediately began working on her Medical Exercise Certification with an emphasis on cancer.
Since then she has accumulated a wealth of knowledge on the subject of cancer and how fitness can have a positive impact.
Miramontes said, “Don’t give up hope. You can exercise, eat well, and have a community. We will be there for you.”
When host Brian Ainsley Horn asked what cancer patients are most fearful of when starting an exercise program, Miramontes answered, “Getting injured is a common and understandable fear for most people. But I am a certified Medical Exercise Specialist, with a specialty in cancer. The Cancer Champion Fitness program is designed to meet you where you are in your cancer journey.”.
During the Interview Miramontes shared why she created The Cancer Champion Program. It is for individuals who are currently undergoing cancer treatment, or who have recently completed treatment. Their needs are different during this time, so they need a program that understands how they should be eating and exercising.
The interview concluded with Miramontes saying “As a Cancer Exercise Specialist, there is no health issue more personal to me than that of cancer. Being able to be so deeply involved in my mother’s life and battles against cancer was a privilege I will never take for granted. Helping her fulfill her dream and live life on her terms has changed the way I approach fitness and nutrition, and I am fully committed to making a difference for those fighting this awful illness. This is why I launched the Cancer Champion program.”
To listen to the full interview on Business Innovators Radio, visit https://businessinnovatorsradio.com/jen-miramontes-cancer-fitness-and-nutrition-expert-on-helping-cancer-fighters-live-healthier-lives/
To learn more about Jen Miramontes, please visit https://cancerchampionfitness.com/