Joseph Land Was Selected As One Of The Top 20 Business Sharks You Should Follow in 2021-2022

  • Lesson #1: “Throw Caution to the Wind and Dream Big!”. Dream makers know that tomorrow’s success is built on today’s dreams. (Page 7)
  • Lesson #2: “Draw a Map from Where You Are to Your Dream.” Dream makers know that reaching their dream requires a map. (Page 23)
  • Lesson #3: “Don’t Tiptoe into the Future – Leap into It!” Dream makers see an exciting and compelling future and commit all their resources to its realization. (Page 39)
  • Lesson #4: “Pursue Your Dream with Passion” Dream makers see the future, and it fuels their emotional fires. (Page 55)
  • Lesson #5: “When the Tide is High – Set Sail!” Dream makers recognize strategic opportunities and seize them. (Page 69)
  • Lesson #6: “Give Away Love” Dream makers know that love is the glue that holds life together. (Page 84)
  • Lesson #7: “Perseverance Leads to Success” Dream makers know their vision for the future will only become a reality through persistence. (Page 101)
  • Lesson #8: “Master, the Art of Mentoring” Dream makers, learn from the success of others and then pass the lessons along. (Page 115)
  • Lesson #9: “Give People Security and Significance” Dream makers take the blame for mistakes and give away the credit for success. (Page 131)
  • Lesson #10: “Awaken the Dream in Others” Dream makers build momentum by awakening the dream in others. (Page 145)

Joseph Land has written this book in collaboration with his good friend, Bill Perkins. The title of the book is Lessons from a Dream Maker.

Joseph Land says that he has always had a DREAM.  He also says that life’s lessons are the best teacher. “All my life, it seems that I have had people tell me what I cannot do instead of cheering me on in the pursuit of my dreams. I call these people Dream Robbers; they seem to suck the life out of you! However, those who cheer you on towards your dream are the real Dream Makers; my dad was a person like this for me early in my life!” He was my Balcony Person, cheering me on and telling me that I could achieve my Dream!”

One of the things that Joseph Land believes deeply is that everyone has a dream in their heart. “Many times, life beats us down so badly that we sweep our Dreams under the carpet because we do not think they are possible anymore, and we just decide to settle for less in life. Yet, caged in the recesses of your imagination is a bodacious dream waiting to get out. It is pleading with you to give it your full attention so it can be translated into reality.  And something deep inside of you knows that the realization of your God-given destiny depends on your willingness to unleash that dream and pull together the resources needed to build it into reality. So, within the book’s pages, you are holding are the Ten Steps that will enable you to make your dreams come true.  Remember, there is no future in the past!”

One of the many 5-star reviews from the Lessons from A Dream Maker

“I highly recommend this book for anyone who has a dream that is bigger than they are who needs to know what it takes to turn that dream into a reality. A dream is a gift from God and is actually a sacred trust. God gives us dreams to help accomplish His purposes in and for other people and us. I also recommend this book for anyone who has lost hope and can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Joe Land and Bill Perkins also wrote this book to incite those people to dream again and to believe that they have a purpose and a destiny that can be accomplished by doing the ten proven steps described in the book.” Gwen Mansini.

For more information about Joseph Land, visit 

Joseph wanted to emphasize how affordable and easy it is to become a part of “The Joseph Land Inner Circle Membership Club,” where entrepreneurs can ask him questions and get all the help they need to move forward in building their business.

Tom Chesser

Tom Chesser is the owner of Rise Up Media and Marketing. He has a featured show, Rise Up Radio, an online broadcasting podcast.
He is a credited contributing writer for Small Business Trendsetters, Business Innovators Magazine, and host for Business Innovators Radio. He has his own Authority Agency in San Antonio, Texas, serving all of Texas & beyond. Tom is a Top-Performing Professional in the Media and Marketing industry with over 30 years of experience.