Juliet Aydin is a creative jewelry designer. She started her love for jewelry when she was a little girl, spending her childhood in her father’s jewelry store in Germany. Her family has been distinguished in the jewelry industry for over 40 years from retail. She balances her eye for what’s beautiful and feminine with a chic rocker vibe in her ability to creatively mine the past for symbolic jewelry that connects women to their emotions, grace, strength, and sense of humor. She never imitates or re-creates, rather her sensibilities and talent takes her to new places that touch on styles of various periods with a current and clean-lined spirit. Her jewelry includes, ‘mantra’ pendants, which are engraved with meaningful words and sayings, weighty, gemstone and diamond-studded dog tags, shields, charm necklaces that can include daggers and crosses for protection and hope, and all styles of signet rings. Her full collection is based on the belief is that “as women, we are all multi-faceted and complex, yet we are independent and powerful enough to find light in the dark.”
Women business owners have spent a fortune on training, seminars and masterclasses, with the aim of using the acquired knowledge to grow their businesses but unfortunately, very few of these workshops actually enlighten them on the challenges they are going to face in the business world and how to overcome them. This new book Women in Business ~ Leading the Way is designed to fill that gap in training and knowledge. The book will feature conversations with successful women business leaders that have achieved success, offering some insight on how they beat the odds, overcame obstacles and barriers. The extremely valuable and realistic business insight will be shared from those who have succeed, offering suggestions on how to; manage a business including career transitions and challenges, balance business and personal life, and how to reach out for support and get help sooner rather than later; and much more. Get true-life stories, real experiences tested ideas, tried and genuine business solutions so you too can Lead the Way.
Email: jewels@jewelsobsession.com
Business Name: Guliette Verona
Website URL; http://www.gulietteverona.com
Facebook Link; https://www.facebook.com/GulietteVerona
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