Produced by Marci Klein – Two Surf Buddies & Their Tale of a Clean-Up Set
Surfers Derek Levy and Randy Meistrell share their experience of a Clean-Up Set.
About Klein Creative Media: Klein Creative Media is a video production company in the heart of the South Bay. Located in Redondo Beach, KCM can provide a variety of video services from the Beach to the Valley! Our custom videos include introductory videos, explainers, how-to videos, real estate videos, keepsake videos, and testimonials! Connect with KleinÂ
Produced By: Klein Creative Media About Klein Creative Media: Klein Creative Media is a video production company in the heart of the South Bay. Located in Redondo Beach, KCM can provide a variety of video services from the Beach to the Valley! Our custom videos include introductory videos, explainers, how-to videos, real estate videos, keepsake videos, and testimonials! Connect with Klein Creative Media:
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