Mike Breeze Uses Hypnosis to Help Companies and Organizations Communicate on a Deeper Level

Tracy: What was your entry point to Entrepreneurialism?

Mike: I began studying clinical hypnosis in 2006 under an incredible hypnotist, and in my opinion one of the best hypnotist in the world, named Rick Minter, and became certified through the National Guild of Hypnotists in 2007.MDR_FS_02242015_0628 (1)

Tracy: Think about a time or event when you caught the bug and tell one short story or two as an example?

Mike: I grew up in Ryan Oklahoma and remember when I was 12 years old we had a “stage hypnotist” perform for one of our school assemblies. My sister was selected as one of the volunteers, and I remember just watching in amazement as all the volunteers began to act out different scenarios. From that moment on I knew that I wanted to be in front of an audience someday, the only problem was I was extremely shy. When I became a freshman in High School, my two FFA advisors, Burl Solie and Bobby Waitman made me give a speech in front of our class, which I give all of the credit to helping me overcome my fear and shyness. I haven’t looked back since!

Tracy: Tell the story of your rise from green entrepreneur to where you are now?

Mike: At the time I was actually a full-time police officer in Duncan Oklahoma and practiced clinical hypnosis (helping people overcome habits, fears, and phobias) part-time. I wanted to learn more about hypnosis; therefore, I trained with several stage hypnotists from all over the country to include Rick Minter, Brian Dean, Richard Nongard, John Cerbone, Geoff Ronning, Justin Tranz, and Don Spencer. By the year 2013 I had an opportunity to perform my stage hypnosis show at the Tribute Theatre in Branson Missouri. I quit my job at the police department and traveled to Branson where I performed during the summer. After that, I returned to Oklahoma and began travelling, performing for different venues to include churches, high schools, colleges, and Corporate Engagements. While I was working at one of the corporate engagements, the CEO of that company approached me and stated that he believed that I have a real talent in the way I “engage” people and communicate, and that I should teach others how to do the same. My wife and I prayed about what we should do, and in February 2015 I became certified though the John Maxwell Team as a Certified Speaker, Trainer, and Coach. Today what I do is combine all of my training in hypnosis on how to build rapport with all my training as a coach, and have created the “Rules of Engagement” F.O.C.U.S. model to help companies and organizations communicate on a deeper level.

Tracy: What was the crossover point from “I’m going to be” to “I am” an entrepreneur?

Mike: If you were to ask my parents they would tell you that I have always thought “outside of the box!” For as long as I can remember, I was never afraid to try new business adventures. When I was 11 years old, I would get on my little red bicycle and ride all over Ryan Oklahoma selling cards, such as birthday cards, anniversary cards, Christmas cards, you name it. As I got older, I tried different get rich quick programs. If there was a program out there, I tried it! I have never been afraid of failure and tell people all the time that I have fallen flat on my face so many times that I have calluses on my forehead! So really, I can’t say there was any particular time that I realized “I am,” because I always have been!

Tracy: What is your current offer and what is your magic?

Mike: When people find out that I am a hypnotist, the number one question that I am asked is; “Mike, can you help me sleep better at night?” So what I have done is created a Banish Insomnia audio that anyone can go to my website and download for free! Magic? Most people are scared of hypnosis because they believe the old movies where the Hypnotist can “make” the volunteer do whatever he wants them to do. This is simply not true. The truth is that hypnosis is completely natural. The average person will experience a hypnotic state 15 to 20 times a day. Hypnosis is nothing more than an “attention focusing tool,” or “visual imagery.”

Tracy: What is it you can look a business owner in the eye and say “I can help you” with and how did you discover that magic?

Mike: Poor communication skills cost companies in numerous ways to include; turnover rates, poor customer service, distrust, slower production time, increased workplace injuries/workers’ comp claims, and so on and so forth. What I provide is a formula that anyone can use whether at work or even at home in their personal lives to increase their communication skills and to connect with others on a deeper level. I was asked how I can approach complete strangers and talk to them like we are long lost friends, and it is simple, I follow this formula. Literally, for the last eight years I have been in some way studying communication and rapport building and have just simplified the process.

Tracy: Anything else you want to add about your family, hobbies?

Mike: My wife Lindsey and I currently live in Oklahoma City where she is going to Culinary School to become a chef (it really is great to be me!). We have two dogs, Lucy and Mooch. When I have time, I love to be outdoors whether I’m hunting, fishing, water-skiing, or going for a jog.

T. Allen Hanes

#1 Best Selling Author, International Speaker, Radio Host. T. Allen Hanes is long a time entrepreneur and business contributor for Small Business Trendsetters, CNN iReport, Thrive Global and Medium. He is also the founder of The Authority Syndicate Group. Co-Founder of The Crypto business Forum New York. An Educator and Advocate for entrepreneurs and small business owners. He has also traveled the world speaking and educating audiences.