I was angry, pessimistic, critical, afraid. I didn’t trust anyone, especially myself. My relationships were strained, and my work was draining the life out of me. I cried, I shouted and mostly I just wanted to disappear. I knew I had to do something to reconnect with myself and make some life changes. I embarked on a journey of inner discovery and outer realignment. I healed my inner child, learned Reiki, dabbled in astrology and embraced meditation. I reset boundaries in both my personal as well as my professional life. Through this journey of self-discovery, I redefined who I am and how I show up in the world. I realigned my actions and decisions to reflect my purpose in life. And most importantly, I released my desire to control everything and everyone and I now allow the universe to guide me.”
She added, “My journey led me to develop the Six Elements of Living an Extraordinary Life which I teach through my courses and within my business, LifeWhys.”“I learned that it’s really about the little steps we take and not always about the big leaps,” Catherine said. “I call this method ‘micro dosing mindfulness’.
By introducing simple tools and techniques into your daily life, you can make extraordinary changes.” She added, “With awareness comes mindfulness and with mindfulness comes
connection, gratitude and compassion. Find the quiet place within so you can manage the chaos without.”
To learn more about Microdosing Mindfulness: 8 Weeks to Find Your Why visit:
About Catherine Malli-Dawson
Catherine Malli-Dawson was born in the northwest USA and grew up in the Midwest.
She lived in England for several years and has moved 40 times in her life! She now
lives in Arizona, USA with her husband, three English Bulldogs and an assortment of
fish: Flash, Ferdinand, The Red Angels, Mario & Luigi and Dyson, and the occasional
neighbors’ horses.
Having spent over 30 years in a combination of stressful corporate roles and raising a
family, she now spends her time coaching teams and individuals on how to live a
more extraordinary life. Catherine is currently writing a book that outlines the 6
elements of mindfulness that she has put into practice that allow her to live an
ordinary life, extraordinarily. She is also an avid fantasy adventure reader and is
currently writing her first sci-fi fantasy adventure series.
To learn more about Life Whys and Catherine Malli-Dawson please visit: http://www.lifewhysllc.com.
Or, follow her on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LifeWhysLLC/
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/lifewhysllc/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/catherinemallidawson