November 2nd – 5th: Money & You – Discover The Program That Has Created More Socially Responsible Millionaires/Entrepreneurs Than Any Other Single Event In Existence

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People have spent at least twenty years in the education system getting a piece of paper that promises a passport that will give them what they need in their lives. To be able to do a job and earn a living. Money & You can help fix that scenario

“Most people spend their lives earning a living rather than designing their lives.” ~ R Buckminster (Bucky) Fuller

They have learned to work hard and put in the hours and energy to get ahead. Work hard to develop careers with the hope that life will get better. Yet, for many people, whilst the monetary reward gets better over time, there are other costs that also increase at a disproportionally higher rate – their responsibilities and stress levels increase — sacrificing their health, well-being, and relationships to fulfill these expectations. Many will continue to do this for the rest of their lives, resigned to the reality of “this is the way things are.”  They move from job to job, hoping that they will finally get lucky, but nothing ever seems to change.

However, there is a group of people who have been able to break out of this cycle. Their lives turn out differently. They don’t work as hard and yet are able to have what they want in their lives. People who are happier and doing what is more meaningful and fulfilling in their lives.

Here are their trade secrets, and know that the rest don’t. The list of Notable Graduates of the Money & You program reads like a “Who is Who” of today’s wealth experts.

You Can Design Your Life

The reality is this – that most people will spend their lives earning a living – many in debt.  Doing a job to generate income to pay the bills, trading time for hours that they don’t enjoy. Many would ask themselves at some point if this was all there is to life, not knowing what the options really are.

There is an alternative – not to have to earn a living and yet have everything that they want in their lives.  Achieving that requires a fundamental understanding of how to create wealth.

Wealth is the element that will move someone from making ends meet to living life the way they want without having to worry about money. If there is a certain life that you imagine as ideal, wealth is what will sustain that indefinitely, where you never ever have to work again to earn a living.

For many people, this “ideal life” is unimaginable. With property mortgages, family and personal expenses, and increasing costs of living, it does not seem possible to even get there with the active income that they are currently generating, no matter how much harder they work.

When COVID-19 occurred in 2020, it disrupted the way the world operated. The way people live, work, and play will not revert to what they had before the pandemic. Many were caught unprepared in many ways. If they are not equipped to live their lives beyond merely earning an income, the future will become increasingly challenging.

The Money & You principles can help create wealth that will generate long-term sustainable cash flow, especially in extremely challenging and uncertain times. It can create greater certainty not merely to get by but to thrive regardless of what is occurring in the environment around every person in the world.

Wealth is Creating Resilience.

Creating Wealth is not a privilege that is limited to a selected few. However, the strategies, skills, and knowledge required to create wealth are not subjects that most people were taught or learned in school. School taught how to “earn a living. “Earning a living” is not what most people want; people really are looking for the solution to living the life that they desire.

The solution, Money & You, provides people with an intimate understanding of how the world operates and the laws of the universe that govern how the world is being run.  The truth is this — the people who know and understand how to use these “laws” to their advantage create the games that the rest of the planet is unknowingly playing.

The money game, the relationship game, the business game, the career game, the power game… And if you feel a lack of control in any of the games that you are playing in your life, it’s likely to be because you are not in the driver’s seat. Someone else is running the game. When people recognize, understand, and play these games by simply understanding fundamental “Laws of the Universe” that are called generalized principles, they will move from a “powerless” position to play in a position of “power.”

These are the “Laws of the Universe” that were not, and still are not, being taught in schools. These are secrets that most people on this planet do not yet know. These are not religious or spiritual principles – it’s Physics applied to building businesses/organizations such as leverage, precession (ripple effect), and more.

Money & You will move people to live their desired life without having to “earn a living.” The good news is this –– this deeper understanding of the underlying principles of the game is something that everyone can learn. When they do, their life will shift permanently, and how they play their game in life will change. Their results will change. “Creating Wealth” is creating long-term sustainability and resilience and not working hard.

Money & You believes “Wealth is a Habit”

Creating Wealth is about resilience at the level of thriving. It is about sustainability and doing what most people desire in life. It is not merely about finances or economics but playing the game that people are all here to play in their lifetimes, each in their own unique ways. It is acknowledging and responding to what calls everyone to be and to do and then to have what they want. It is about a person’s own personal mastery and how they create value for the world in their own ways. It is about how learning how to convert their life experiences into real value that they can offer to the world. It is about making mistakes and then making corrections. Those mistakes allow them to learn and grow. Wealth is about creating powerful habits that encompass all that and more. Wealth is also about creating powerful and empowering relationships with internal and external environments. It is recognizing and playing with integrity and how to operate in the world.

Creating an Ideal Life.

Money & You has helped so many individuals find their purpose in life and understand how to create wealth engines, moving beyond the struggle of getting from goal to goal and chasing seemingly unreachable or impossible targets. When people come to Money & You and begin to understand what their own capacity to create wealth looks like, they realize that their ideal life is not a point in the future but something that they can create in the present. Help people stop pursuing and start attracting the things that they want in their lives. Move beyond what is considered “terminal mediocrity” to being fully engaged in their lives in a meaningful and fulfilling way.

People must create this for themselves because nobody else will create that for them. The Ideal Life is created by having the right strategies, skills, and tools and taking the right action, with the right support, based on the deep and intimate understanding of these “Laws of the Universe” that they can learn in the Money & You program and the principles taught in it. Realizing everyone has the capacity to design and have an ideal life getting exactly what they want, is powerful. They can then choose to start. It’s a promise that everyone needs to make to themselves that only they can keep. The Ideal Life is created from understanding how the world works and how everyone can design and play a powerful game to make a difference.

“It will not be a matter of earning a living. You’ll be doing what you see needs to be done because you’ll feel you’ll want to do it — you’ll want to qualify to be able to serve one another… if you can do it, if it is spontaneously arousable in you to operate with integrity and really to go along to love, to love comprehensively, that’s it.” ~ R Buckminster (Bucky) Fuller

Once a person makes that decision, the rest will follow. The ripple starts when a person drops the stone.

As people realize that they can’t undo lives that are past. But, what people have, is an opportunity to design and create a future. The fact is that there inevitably comes a day that has no tomorrow –– the “game over” day. They cannot control when that day is. This opportunity will not come again; there is not a second chance to play this game. The choice people have is to decide what they will trade with the time that they have from now to that point. The choice is to continue with the status quo or to take a different route.

People have a choice… There are options available to create that future and to have answers to these questions that they may have… To take a different route, to create different outcomes and possibilities in their life. To create something bigger, something more meaningful, something far more fulfilling… Money & You can help them take that different route and create different massive, powerful possibilities. More than 200,000 people have experienced the Money & You program in the last forty-three years. For many of them, Money & You was that turning point in their lives.  Some of them have become household names.

The Money & You program can give people access to powerful, time-tested, and proven strategies, tools, and skills, based on a set of immutable “Laws of the Universe” and the international playground and community to create long-term sustainable wealth which is not about having to work hard. Success is understanding the “Laws of the Universe” that govern how we design our lives and how we can live fully, truly, and fully engaged from a powerful position of choice.

The Money & You’s Excellerated Learning Process will show people how:

  • To work with and inspire people through connection and strong relationships.
  • To grow a business using leverage so a person can work smarter, not harder.
  • To develop a strong mindset of abundance for all and how there is plenty for everyone.
  • To recognize a social problem and use entrepreneurial principles to organize, create, and manage a business to make social change.
  • To be free from money enslavement forever.
  • Discover how to peel back the layers of success, wealth, and business-building breakthroughs. It means going back to the basics…
  • How to make decisions about a person’s future.
  • How to determine where a person should put their time and effort.
  • What to think about people and how to deal with specific types of people.
  • Knowing the biggest key to long-term, sustainable success.
  • Understanding how multi-millionaires and billionaires think about life and society.
  • Create quantum leaps in business, relationships, health, spirituality, and community. 

Money & You is one of the most respected, life-changing programs in the world today…The Money & You program has literally changed tens of thousands of people’s lives around the world over the last three decades. Money & You teaches proven principles, strategies, formulas, and tactics unlike any other program available. 

  • It is about changing a person’s relationship with money-how; it impacts their life, how they relate to it, and how to manage it.
  • It is an intensive program proven to transform anyone’s business and personal life with a focus on creating lasting wealth and human connection.
  • Is a life-changing experiential program for socially conscious entrepreneurs – it is not a seminar or workshop!

Here is what people discover at Money & You:

  • How to identify their limiting beliefs about money and how to change those beliefs forever.
  • Break free from the self-imposed blocks that keep them from the life they have always dreamed of.
  • The latest strategies and techniques to supercharge the way people learn and retain the skills they need to take their life and business to a much higher level.
  • Gain a clearer understanding of true potential and purpose in life and how they can be more fulfilled and prosperous.
  • How to make decisions about their future with peace of mind and clarity.
  • Determine where they should put their time and effort so that they can maximize all their efforts and achieve more in less time.
  • Understand the biggest key to long-term, sustainable success.
  • Use revolutionary principles for running their business and their life that expands possibilities, people, income, joy, and opportunities.
  • Gain insight on how to apply a successful business model that reduces the effort and amount of time it takes to be a world leader and create an organization that produces extraordinary results.
  • Understand and nurture entrepreneurial skills – i.e., knowing when to take risks and when not to.
    Incorporate a way of life that is less stressful and more fun – one that is in harmony with their own personal values
  • Be part of a global network of more than 200,000 graduates from over 85 countries since 1979
    And more!

Money & You San Diego, California
November 2 – 5, 2022

Tom Chesser

Tom Chesser is the owner of Rise Up Media and Marketing. He has a featured show, Rise Up Radio, an online broadcasting podcast.
He is a credited contributing writer for Small Business Trendsetters, Business Innovators Magazine, and host for Business Innovators Radio. He has his own Authority Agency in San Antonio, Texas, serving all of Texas & beyond. Tom is a Top-Performing Professional in the Media and Marketing industry with over 30 years of experience.