The charity will benefit from their story within the book, the publicity and media coverage that results, along with a pledge of 100% of the retail royalties.
Explaining the search process, Imperial said, “Just like our other charity books, we’ll be hand-picking Chiropractors who are dedicated to educating the public about the little known truths about Chiropractic and Wellness, while at the same time, committing to spread the word about a great charity. The book chapters will be in interview format, making it fast and easy for our professionals to contribute and engaging for our readers.”
Imperial said, “For the Chiropractors chosen to be spotlighted in the book, there is no fee, we simply ask a small contribution to the overhead of writing, editing, layout, design, and publishing the book. It’s a nominal, tax-deductible contribution that will get them published on Amazon, Kindle and other major book platforms so they can say ‘they wrote the book’ on Wellness and Chiropractic”.
Chiropractors can submit their info at: https://remarkablepress.wufoo.com/forms/chiropractic-spotlights-charity-book-application/
Imperial explained, “We are a business book publisher that helps Chiropractors publish their own solo books to gain more clients and patients. These charity books are our foot-in-the-door, breakeven way to help causes, and help Chiropractors at the same time.”
Imperial continued, “Our charity books are a fast and easy way for professionals to finally be seen as a published contributing author. If they ever dreamed of writing their own complete solo book, we hope this experience earns their future business, although there is no obligation.”
Scheduled for Fall 2019 release, “Chiropractor Spotlights: Meet America’s Leading Chiropractors” will spotlight each Professional selected from this search, sharing their knowledge and passion for helping people stay healthy and pain-free.
Imperial said, “The Chiropractors we select must be passionate about helping and educating their market, and have good reputations.
They will answer the most common questions and bust the myths and misconceptions that so many people have about Chiropractic. “Chiropractor Spotlights: Meet America’s Leading Chiropractors” will share little known insights into the power and effectiveness of Chiropractic to release the body’s own ability to heal and rejuvenate”.
“With the publicity we receive from our books, we anticipate a lot of exposure around this project, for both the charity and the professionals we select to feature. Our readers get great information, our charity gets much needed exposure, and our Chiropractors get published in print, possibly appear on radio, and get great exposure for their businesses in the news. It is sure to be a winner for all involved.”
Chiropractors can apply by submitting their information online at:
Learn more about Mark Imperial at: https://goo.gl/JfygMs