2019 The Year of Joy Series: Faith in the Mourning

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Carol: It seems you have certainly addressed many of the truly hard experiences of life. Your work with song and scent has had very interesting origin. What exactly, when you are working with someone, are you feeling or …?

Karyn: I hear and feel the Lord saying: “Send her/him the energy of My Pure Love.” I have seen His sober eyes speak to me. “Her/his faith in Me shall make them whole. Remind them that I love them.”

I have beheld a broken, purple, bruised heart, with its many tears, rips and gashes, being healed and made whole. I have watched as the purple flesh has become pink and rosy once more. I know that He is the Mender of Broken Hearts.

Also, that the Savior’s eyes fill with empathy, enduring the pain of dragging my unconscious soul through my life’s maze of wilderness and boulders, crossing summits only to behold that the journey of my life is not over.

I also know that the price is the Life I have lived and the pain I have endured so that others might have greater joy and comfort in their journeys. That they might be wiser than I have been, Lord!

Carol: and the many, many songs Karyn that you write for others’ pains, hurts and broken hearts; your music and its part in your work. What about those?

Karyn: I had to remember why the songs had all been created! The songs were spiritual gifts of “manna” dictated and sung to me by angels in my hours of deep despair, in my proverbial wildernesses! Each tender song was like a morsel of meat, a drop of fresh water on my parched lips, while the Savior carried me through those bitter snows. Each tender song sung to me was like a tiny crust of bread carrying me back to spiritual and emotional safety.

Carol: This “story” has kept me so intrigued. I believe that Faith is a vital and major part of any of us getting through and that often times we ask ourselves “do I have enough faith? If I don’t, will I be “Ok”? Will God hear me or answer my prayers…? When I came to realize many years ago that it is His faith not ours and that He will never leave or forsake us; that He will always be with us and see us through, so many things positively changed in my life.

Carol: Karyn, are there 2 or 3, what you would consider, must have Faith “tips” you can share with our readers at this time?

Karyn: We must fill our hearts and minds with uplifting and inspirational information in order to “Keep the Faith!” With so much sad news in the world, so easily accessible to our ears, eyes and fingertips, I believe it is imperative that we continually seek after “Good News”! Keeping our hearts focused on positive outcomes and the good that is happening in the world around us can keep us believing that good news can trump bad news!

Focusing on gaining a personal conviction that there is a Divine Source and pure power that comes through… that Source is what keeps me reaching towards my dreams, goals and aspirations!

Carol: Thank you !
Any further words of wisdom Karyn?

Karyn: What comes to mind Carol is a prayer. This week, I had a mother call me whose 40 yr old son was suicidal. I asked if I might be able to converse with him on the phone. He agreed to talk to me. His voice was open, pleading and hoping that I might say the words that would change his mind about taking his life.

I asked him what he was experiencing in his heart and mind. He explained that he was in need of knowing that there is a “power beyond myself” and that “I am not alone in this world…” As we spoke, I felt impressed to ask him if we could pray together. He agreed. His first prayer in a very long time was simple and pure. It brought tears to my eyes. “If there is a Power beyond me that can help me through this critical time, I ask that you give me the courage and strength I need to carry on!”

After he finished his prayer, he was relieved when I asked him if I could prayer with and for him. When my prayer ended, I asked him what he was feeling now. His voice was trembling with emotion as he expressed deep gratitude for being available during his time of need, for helping him, a complete stranger, and for being willing to take the time to stand by his side during his time of desperation.

Nothing gives me greater joy than to be of assistance to those whose hearts are aching and whose faith is faltering. Perhaps, this is because I too have experienced the sorrow that comes with wondering if there is Something or Someone out there who cares about “the one.” I have dedicated my life to making sure that if I know of someone whose faith is waning, that I will pray for them. Who knows that the power of a true and honest prayer (from a complete stranger) can assist in moving mountains of despair and discouragement from an over-burdened heart and a weary mind.

I would hope that as we become aware of the struggles that one of our fellowmen is having, that instead of casting a blank stare, or going on with “business as usual,” or sinking into the depths of despondency; that we might instead, stop for a moment, gather our spiritual and emotional reserves and offer a prayer for that precious soul.

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.