It’s no secret that the internet has made it possible for small businesses to compete with the bigger and better funded corporations. However, this has also made it possible for anyone to get in on the action and make the internet a very noisy and crowded business environment. In other words is becoming harder to stand out, attract more clients and have more impact.
Ann Carden is a Business Growth Consultant with 41 years of business experience, 13 years in corporate business management and 28 years building six businesses for herself and selling five of those. She has consulted with business owners in over thirty-eight different types of companies from $0-$5M and educated thousands of professionals through speaking, workshops and seminars as a speaker.
Through her Facebook group and YouTube channel, Ann Carden is consistently educating businesses on how to get to the next level, how to build a rinse and repeat business and how to build an enjoyable business, among many other business subjects. Ann was also featured in Business Innovators Radio: Ann Carden BIR podcast interview
In this interview Ann discusses How To Raise Your Influence & Be Seen As The Expert In Your Coaching, Consulting Or Service Based Business To Attract All The Clients You Want.
Everything you will read below is straight from the Ann Carden herself.
There has never been a better time in history to be visible, get noticed, and position yourself as an EXPERT Coach, Consultant, Business Owner, or Service Provider. Because of the internet and social media, the playing field is leveled to play with the big guys with full pockets and large bank accounts.
However, many coaches, service providers and business owners who are experts at what they do, are still not optimizing and maximizing their opportunities.
When you build an expert business, you can demand higher fees, put yourself in a category of ONE in the marketplace and build a lucrative business around your expertise.
What does it mean to be seen as an EXPERT and why should it matter?
The coaching and consulting industry has reached almost $200 Billion a year and is still growing at a rate of about 14-16% a year.
This demand and growth is excellent news for anyone wanting to build a lucrative and impactful business in this space, but it also means it is highly competitive.
However, when you are seen as an EXPERT, you compete with nobody and you can stand out above the competition in the industry.
Think about a world-renowned brain surgeon vs. a family physician.
I think you would agree there are differences, right? The brain surgeon is a specialist and the family physician is a generalist.
-Experts demand and make more money (people don’t question what they charge.)
-Experts have more opportunities to speak, get published, have more influence and impact.
-Experts don’t go looking for business; people look for and come to them for help.
-Experts are given more opportunities than they can handle.
If you want to stand out, be seen, make more money and have opportunities and clients coming to you daily, you want to be seen as an expert (be the specialist.)
1. Discover YOUR EXPERTISE, X FACTOR & SWEET SPOT – You must get clear on how you want to be positioned in the marketplace to become known for as an expert.
What is your EXPERTISE & X factor? It is a combination of your brilliance, skill-set, talents, gifts, experiences and knowledge. How can you help other people? What results can you help others get with your EXPERTISE and X factor that you would also be highly confident and passionate?
This is what I call your “SWEET SPOT,” This is your advantage and edge in the marketplace you can build a lucrative business around.
2. PACKAGE YOUR EXPERTISE INTO A HIGH-VALUE OFFER TO SELL – What is the result you can help others get with your expertise and your X factor working in your sweet spot? It should be a high-value problem or pain where you are confident and passionate about the solution you can provide.
It should also be a high-ticket offer. If you undervalue your solution and don’t charge enough, you will repel high-paying clients and will not look like an expert. A specialist is not cheap.
3. ATTRACT HIGH-VALUE, HIGH-PAYING CLIENTS – Who are your ideal clients? What is the message that will attract them? How can you put your message in front of them and be seen?
This is all part of a marketing strategy. Your marketing strategy should include having clarity on your ideal clients, the perfect message that would resonate with them and attract them to you, and you must know where they are to put your message right in front of them.
Your strategy should be clear and position you in the marketplace as the “GO-TO-EXPERT” and obvious choice for what you do.
Your marketing strategy should build your VISIBILITY, CREDIBILITY, AUTHORITY and AUDIENCE.
4. CONVERT PROSPECTS INTO CLIENTS – to turn prospects into clients; you must have a rock-solid sales system. I teach and use a system that can close clients over a call for $10k, $25k, $50k, $100k or more. The key is to have the right marketing to bring you the right leads and then have the proper qualifying and closing process to convert them into a high-paying client easily.