However, I gave up all of what is listed above when I became paralyzed from the neck down on June 29, 1994, and when I accepted Jesus Christ in June of 1999. By being able to earn a degree from the “School of Hardknocks,” therefore, I gained the ability to be able to make a connection with the teenagers I have had the privilege of speaking with that helped them to feel loved, valued, and also appreciated.
BI: Please tell me about any recent business accomplishments that you are most proud of and why?
BC: Unfortunately, because I have had to deal with illnesses that are part of being paralyzed I recently have only had three business accomplishments, which I can say that I am proud of achieving. First of all, I was able to complete three college courses, so that I was able to finish my junior year and the reason that makes me proud is due to the fact that I am starting my senior year and only have five semesters that are seven weeks long until I will graduate from Oral Roberts University (I am proud that I will be the first person in my immediate family to graduate from college).
Second of all, I have been able to get the book I wrote to raise the money to fund the nonprofit I am creating entitled “In God’s Palms: The Disable Uplifting the Unabled.” All of the money that is raised will be used to create a Church as well as a Youth/Young Adult Center 13-25-year-old troubled teenagers and young adults who are on the wrong path in life in each of the 48 continental United States.
And third, in all honesty to be interviewed by you is one of my recent business accomplishments that I am proud of, because to me it means that the vision I have of creating a Church and Youth/Young Adult Center to help to stop troubled teenagers and young adults who are on the wrong path in life from becoming either an inmate# or a statistic is now recognized as being an important “business.”
BI: What Leadership qualities in Leaders do you most admire and why?
BC: The qualities that I admire most in leaders are that they have a vision of what they want their business to become before they are even put down in writing, that they have a way of motivating their employees to fulfill their duties to the highest potential, that they are respected for their knowledge and wisdom of their type of business, and also that when they retire from their business they leave behind a legacy for those who follow them.
BI: What has been a key element of your success?
BC: The key element of my success has been my ability to be able to make connections with those troubled teenagers that are on the wrong path in life within approximately 3-5 minutes, therefore, I’m allowed into their personal lives that keep hidden in the “shadows” from almost every adult whom they do not trust and especially from their parents.
It is more like being a life coach for teenagers because I am helping them to make the right choices, choose the right friends, to think about the consequences of their actions before they do them instead of being incarcerated for their actions before they think about the consequences. I am training them how to overhaul completely their lifestyle so that they will become productive citizens and hopefully a few will become “world changers.”
BI: What are some of the business projects that you are currently working on that you are excited about and why?
BC: Some of the projects that I am currently working on that I am excited about are that I am in the process of writing my second book will be “shutting the revolving doors of prison, which has me excited due to the fact that hopefully I will be able to create a process that will actually completely rehabilitate inmates properly before they are released from prison, so they will not commit another crime.
BI: What are 1 or 2 things you would like to say to a prospective client who stumbles across this interview?
BC: The two things that I would like to say to a prospective client who stumbles across this interview would be that the experience, wisdom, and knowledge I have gained from being paralyzed from June 29, 1994, has given me the ability to inspire, motivate, encourage, and to also have people to become more productive whether it is doing schoolwork or doing work a corporation.
The second thing would be that I have gained the ability to help those individuals who are incarcerated to change their lifestyles by expressing to them that they should have a sense of self-worth, that they are loved, valued, and also appreciated.
BI: To wrap this up, what are you most excited about in the upcoming months in your business?
BC: The things that I am most excited about in the upcoming months in my business are that the book that I wrote will be published and will be made available on websites around the world. Therefore, you will become a bestseller and raise enough funds to begin my 18 month plan that will consist of a meeting once a month with the members of the community that I will be opening my Church as well as the Youth/Young Adult Center, so that they will be aware of my vision to help the teenagers and young adults between 13-25 years old that are on the wrong path currently in their lives