Dawn Livingstone: Making Positive Changes; Is it Really Possible by Just Changing Yourself from Within?

Dawn: A lot of fears can be suppressed. People think that they’re not good enough. Many of us believe that we’re not good enough that we aren’t deserving, that we are unloved and that’s what can keep people stuck in their pain cycle. Their ego drags them back with recurring thoughts of ‘what if it doesn’t work?’ or ‘that’s too much of a risk’, or ‘that’s frightening’, ‘you might not be able to do that’, ‘what if you fail?’. Your ego throws all this at you, so really what you do is retreat, and make the choice to continue to suffer.

JC: Do they ever have objections about cost, or this is probably going to take too much time, or this is something that is probably I can do this on my own?

Dawn: They put lots in front of them and it’s mostly excuses to avoid addressing issues, and it’s just fear based. We just need to take that step forward, take the bull by the horns, even book with somebody like myself, an energy healer, for a 30-minute consultation about how the sessions work, how I work, how I can help you, because mostly people are put off because they don’t understand how it works. In our society today, we are kind of pushed towards a medical doctor. We’re not informed about other methods of healing. We are conditioned to believe that when we have problems, the only person that is qualified to help us is a licensed doctor or a licensed psychiatrist. Licensed because they’ve completed a certain course. They may not have a particular life experience that they have been able to come back from.

JC: So, they don’t have the experience to really help people out.

Dawn: Yes, they may not have the life experience. They could be fresh out of school, and they haven’t experienced anything like that themselves. They may be unable to help the person and the issues that they’re bringing to the table for help. Now, counselors or psychiatrists can be excellent people with great intentions and they’re very good at getting people to talk about the things that are upsetting them and getting to the time when this all started. However, what they’re not doing is removing the vibrations from those memories that are being recalled, and if they don’t remove the vibrations from the cells and from the mind, then all that does, when they’re talking about it, is reinforce that negative emotion and that negative vibration in the body; that trauma, that pain, which solidifies it even more, and it just creates more pressure inside the volcano which in time will erupt again. Although talking about it is a good thing, if you don’t clean it at the same time, it’s not going to help very much.

JC: And how do you help them get past those fears?

Dawn: Usually by a little bit of education. I don’t think people really understand that when they go to the doctor when they’re feeling depressed, the doctor will prescribe a pharmaceutical drug which isn’t healing the depression, it’s just masking the symptoms. It’s like cutting your hand and sticking a Band-Aid on it when really it needs stitched. It’s not getting to the root cause. I help them to understand how life works and that usually eases the fears. And I suppose I’m helping them to take the bull by the horns and go for it, to take a free consultation, get an explanation of what’s expected from the healer and of the client, what a session may look like, what they may experience and that can put their fears to rest, and, like I said, sometimes the person is only in fear because they don’t understand how it works and we can quickly remedy that. I would also suggest that they do their own research and possibly read some testimonials from people that have worked with a particular healer as well, that can sometimes put their fears to rest.

JC: What are some pitfalls that people run into when they want to find someone that’s going to help them out?

Dawn: Clients can sometimes set their expectations way too high. They can’t expect to be healed in two sessions, believe it or not. They’re carrying lifetimes of burdens, which is not going to solve itself overnight. They need to be open minded and take the progress as it comes because people integrate and release negativity at their own pace and everybody’s different. They only release when they’re ready mentally and physically.  They can also put too high an expectation on the healer to be the person that’s actually healing them. They must understand that it’s their transition and it’s their responsibility, and they are the ones that need to be prepared to do some work and accept the changes because, and I keep telling people, no one is going to ride in on a white horse and whisk you off and heal everything. That’s just not going to happen because the only person that can change you is you.

Dawn: Another one would be not being ready. You’ve got to be determined to change your life for the better, and if that determination isn’t there and you aren’t prepared to help with the digging, then you’re definitely not ready. We all become ready at the right time.

JC: And like you said, you’re just a guide. The client has to do the work.

JC Soto

JC Soto is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor for Small Business Trendsetters covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.