Dawn Livingstone: Making Positive Changes; Is it Really Possible by Just Changing Yourself from Within?

Dawn: I recommend really not listening to the news, being very careful in social media because that is where certain opinions are pressed upon you. The subconscious mind is very much like a sponge, particularly when you’re between birth and eight years old, it’s wide open and it’s absorbing everything. It’s very important when you have a new child to train that child to think in the best possible way, the most positive way to create good habits. Once the good habits are created, then they’ll stick. We also have the energy of what we would call the collective. It’s not just as an individual being that we have our own subconscious or conscious thoughts, we are actually influenced by the collective subconscious mind of all people on the planet which unfortunately, is primarily negative at this time.

Dawn: Unfortunately, there’s a lot more fear than there is unconditional love, joy, and happiness. By changing your thoughts, your words, your actions, your paradigms, by changing that vibration, you can disconnect from that fear, anger or abuse, and you can connect to the love and joy and happiness and start to effect change in the world. And we don’t do it by trying to change the world, we do it by changing ourselves, which then creates an effect, which then will help to change the world and make it a better place. I talk about the mind and body connection as well. I don’t go too much into the different bodies, except the four main bodies; mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual. If there’s any imbalances, they will manifest physically.  It can be migraines, skin complaints, or even more severe dis-ease like IBS, diabetes, and even cancer. You can’t just heal the physical body directly, you have to heal the mind and the emotions first, then the physical issues will naturally disappear.

Dawn: People are of the assumption, because this is what they’ve been told, that they are a human being, and they are having a spiritual experience. Nothing can be further from the truth, because we are actually spiritual beings having a human experience. We’re light, we’re light bodies, we’re energy bodies. We’re just along for the ride for a little while, and when this human suit that we are borrowing, dies, then our energy can vibrate higher, and we’re recycled. We can get back out there and do whatever we want to do. We never die.

Dawn: Energy healers have answered the call to meet our true purpose and to serve in a different way. And some people can’t come to terms with that. I mean, we are doing it in a different way, other than modern medicine, but thankfully energy healing is actually becoming more and more popular, and more people understand the connection we have and that the mind body connection is actually real and is not a myth, because everything, like I said, manifests itself physically. I can look at the physical body and talk to the physical body and it shouts out for help, because your body wants to be healed. It wants to get rid of this burden that’s heavy and causing it problems and it shouts out what it’s storing in there.

Dawn: And it lets me know how to get rid of it. It’s a gift. I used to think that it was a horrible thing to have because it wasn’t the norm, and I was scared to tell people about it out of fear they would think I was a crackpot, or they wouldn’t like me anymore or they didn’t trust me. Now, I don’t let that affect me, and if people don’t like what I’m saying, they can keep scrolling.

JC: The fact is our body is designed to heal itself. If we allow it, if we won’t interfere with the natural process that is there.

Dawn: Why not help it along? Instead of hindering it.  Let’s help it along.

JC: Unless you break an arm or something like that, you don’t need to be taking all these medications to feel better.

Dawn: Sometimes they can make you feel worse, and they’re actually made in a laboratory so our body has a hard job processing it, so they can actually be very toxic.

JC: They’re synthetic stuff.

Dawn: They are, and they can be addictive as well, particularly the pain killers and can cause more problems. What I do is more along the lines of healthcare, because going to a doctor and getting pharmaceuticals, that’s more like managing your sickness. It’s not helping you to cure it and to release what’s causing it.

To find out more about Dawn and her work, visit: voyageoftranscendence.com or dawnlivingstone.com

JC Soto

JC Soto is a Best Selling Author, host of Business Innovators Radio and contributor for Small Business Trendsetters covering Influencers, Innovators and Trendsetters in Business, Health, Finance and Personal Development.