Dr. John Zannis, NC Plastic Surgeon: Non-Invasive Body Contouring With CoolSculpting

Bill: Dr. Zannis, thanks for providing information on this new technology for our readers. If prospective patients want to find out more about CoolSculpting or other cosmetic surgery procedures, how can they get more information?

Dr. Zannis: You are welcome, Bill. Actually, we have a lot of educational materials on our practice website, so I suggest your readers visit http://www.ZannisPlasticSurgery.com for more information about CoolSculpting and other cosmetic procedures. 

Bill Kopatich

Bill Kopatich is a Best Selling Author, a host for the Business Innovators Radio Show and a contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and CNN.com. He covers leaders and trendsetters in Business, Health and Wellness, Real Estate, Finance, Law and Personal Development