Joy in the Mourning “Blessed are those that Mourn, for they shall be comforted.” Dedicated to Carol A Santella

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I don’t mention this to complain. I am mentioning so that when you read what the Lord sent, it may have the effect it had on me as He so amazingly touched on varying scenarios, emotions… just miraculously.

I am a strong woman and deal with whatever I need to, but something that night during that walk to the fridge and back just reached a marked level. On my way back from the kitchen with syringes in hand, I felt something literally break in me – emotionally…. That night and subsequent days were very tough and within 24 hours of that night I was down with severe bronchitis in addition to the leg condition… Within a few days, Paul had a fall and thus began the downhill road to his passing Nov 20. Me ? Well, the bronchitis caused me to be bedridden which that level of lying around, coughing, baring down along with the antibiotic side effects has caused multiple complications. This has been an ongoing nightmare and we were to be interviewing and writing on Joy!

Karyn seemed to be having her own “something” happening which you will see below, yet I knew and believed that this article should be potent– a culmination of what Joy Coaching America, Joy Coaching Academy and all the work done by Karyn and Joy Coaches means …

Literally I was praying about it and was about to send Karyn an email expressing same, when what is to follow, as you will see, is what will always remain such a divine intervention, such a precious healing of multiple facets of heart hurts, if you can relate. So, I am going to share parts of emails between Karyn and myself that best explains what transpired and the beauty of true peace, love and joy even in the mourning, loss, grief and pain.

Keep in mind within the same 24 hours of me praying about the article and planning on reaching out to Karyn to see what was happening with her, this is what transpired. Below see excerpts of our emails.

Carol: Hi,Karyn. For the last week, I have been wanting to write to you about the article. I kept talking with God about it ’cause I felt that for a few parts originally covered, it wasn’t going to be at all what it needed to be. I was shocked that you weren’t addressing this month’s article of all articles with more interest, time … it seemed… Why? it after all, imo, was your culmination of why “joy” came to be, mattered and matters, is part of and in all you do from your co name to your work…. So, I had begun to write up some questions for you to answer because I want this article to be potent and to have tips or … showing you as the educator and advocate for the success of your prospects and clients.

I received this email from Karyn before my email was sent. All within the same 24 hours.

Written with you in mind!
Sending love!
Karyn to Carol
And she attached an article without our normal interview process.

Carol: I then sent my above email to share how we were on similar wavelengths, but then…

Karyn: Dearest Carol,
This was a witness that God heard YOUR prayers!
It was not even on my mind this past month.
When Paul passed, I couldn’t stand that you were in such pain
and sickness. I thought, “How can I try to even write about JOY?”
(As with all the other articles this past year, this one also seemed like a parody to even write about!)
I thought, “How can I try to even write about JOY?”

So…I spaced it. Completely forgot about writing it at all!

When I was awakened with the urge (urgency) to go and write it, I thought of Handel’s story, thinking the article may still include it somehow, someway.
But, I turned the assignment over to God, closed my eyes and started…

When I wrote it, more than ever, your name was constantly whispered to me
throughout those two hours as though every word was specifically for you FIRST!
Reread it again…and take it even MORE PERSONALLY!

I believe this was God’s way of speaking directly to you, my publicist, with a gift for you in your time of mourning! It truly is /was a gift of “Comfort in the Mourning” – a subject we never even discussed this past year!
for “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” How on earth could I have ever LEFT THAT OUT?! Please add it!

New title:
Joy in the Mourning
“Blessed are those that Mourn, for they shall be comforted.”
Dedicated to Carol A Santella


To which I wrote:
Karyn, I began to re-read the following (while in my heart I kept the words you said in your email about how it came to be and a gift to me). Crying like crazy- thank you Karyn. Each word was like a song to me from above and from a gifted person ( you) that hears Jesus and His message for me/us…. I will treasure this article Karyn. I know He heard and felt my concerns and desires for it to be the best yet and He came through via you to me and many.

Excellently done Karyn. Thank you and God Bless!

End of email excerpts.

While reading those words brought tears themselves and the tears just kept coming. My heart was so in touch with the Lord as He so eloquently touched and accurately addressed so many emotions I had felt over a long while, not just with this last month or this year. Doesn’t so much in life all get down to Love – His love and the love of beautiful people.

carol a santella

Carol A Santella is a Credibility, Recognition and Trust Building Positioning Strategist and Consultant for Individuals and Business Owners. A Best Selling Author, Health Consultant, and Publisher, Carol is also a Radio Show Host for Business Innovators Radio, Host and Founder of Inside with Carol covering Innovators and Trendsetting Influencers in the Fields of Business, Health and Wellness, Medicine, Leadership and Animal Related Industries. Carol is also a Contributor to Business Innovators Magazine, Small Business Trendsetters and the Founder of the Health and Wellness Leaders and Influencers Group; The Entrepreneur Exchange and is world renowned for her Acknowledgment and Recognition Model of those who stand out above the rest and assisting them with The Power of Positioning TM. Carol is the founder and operator of The Listener Network which now encompasses her health, communications, publishing and business consulting work.